Thursday, December 23, 2010

Joyuex Noel

I have past 17 times Christmas Eve and Christmas Night, precisely, few years only. I could like knock knock on Santa Claus's door 17 times and make a wish for my craving of big time enough. And because of my kindness, I don't. I'm way too concern Santa's health step into load of plague cause of Malaysia's insane temperature. And now am realize I'm a goose of let going my fortuity. The reason I write this post it to insist what I deserve for goddamn 17 years.

Date : Fri, 23Dec 2010, 3:45
Subject: Forward Message: You've been hacked, Satan, I mean Santa
From :
To :

Dear Santa,
It's now 21st century, I hope no more ink work.For you to know, my friend just hack into your website and searching for you email address and finally we found it. I, in all sincerity, in good faith, I hope you still living, after struggling for 17 century and perhaps you still living, this is your 1700th birthday. Merry Chirstmas.
You've been amiable since the 4th century, share your glee with the kids all over the world. Your trademark smile melted every ice-coated heart. Bring warmth to the poor. Everyone including the Satan agreed with you sincerely. Santa Claus was and is and will be the summation of gleeful and blissful until 2012. Bounteous of complementary words are required for him to leave you a present anonymously.

With all due respect, somehow, you breaking other's chimney is regarded as outlawed despite your attempt to run the charity. Frankly, I personally don't want a jailed Santa Claus that means Satan and I strongly believe neither of us want so. Here some words to the wise, knock knock on people's door before you leave them their present and it would be much much better. The kids will be mirthful if they see you and sit by your lap rather than you sneak into other's roof and pretend like nothing. Your just another douchbag, I don't doubt your ability though.

Also, you need to keep yourself amended like always and always, so if you notice, there are no more chimney on the road, you seriously have to think of other way to look for this, get yourself a tinker if possible, invent out some item could assist you. I think you wouldn't do this, I mean look at your costume. Freaking old school. You have to admit yourself old fashion. No doubt. By the way, red is the grungy and godawful colour , bright and shinny, it doesn't even match you personality, Sneaky. Black is more desirable, however. Last but not least, you are insanely fat. Which is considered as obesity.Try on some ephedra, it could help.

Okay, here's my wish list, simple but magnificent and fantastic and glittering.

First of all, I want a reindeer. I mean my reindeer stand for those things flying without wings on the sky , gene-altered to resist freezing temperature. You'll know, you breeding them right? Just give me one of those. And if possible, with some condition, a maternal reindeer. Thanks in advance and hohoho, merry chirstmas.

Please read this email. Satan . Reply me a.s.a.p

A Man who Don't Believe In Santa

I have emailed to him by the way and waiting for his reply.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Robert Pattinson's Effect

Edward: Thy lufu to me is like falling rain to river, wide coverage, however, every single little is so precious and related. Min lufu to you would never shadow, times flow though. You should know I love you.

Bella: Oh, Ed, how sweet. Turn me.

Edward: Nic now, there are rules to obey in our world. It's wrong. I love you though.

Bella : I'm passing my prime. Just turn me and eternal love will be with us.Turn me

Edward: Trust me bella. it can be explained, um.. I have forgotten, ask Bieber. I love you Bella

Bella :I'm dying, I'm dying. Turn me. Turn me.

Edward: Ciao Ciao. Love you Bella.

Edward: Thy love to me is like falling star, far but beautiful and now you are falling next to me and I'm gonna not letting go this chance and grab you hard. You are so true to me. Love you Emma

Emma : Oh, dearest. Turn me for the eternal love.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bottom dollar of Baby

It's myth spread in every country that cost of raising up a child is almost cost as a low end Bentley, unless you want to be charged under child abuse of not feeding them. Raising up a kid almost like a investment in emerging market, it's either high return or end up with bankrupt.In such manner, most of the people choose to become the type of Baby-is-money. I mean try to google on Angelina Jolie or Tom Cruise. They are those people who could squander all their money earned to guzzy up their lovely baby. Almost as the wages paid to Tom cruise of whole series of Mission Impossible, it's huge. I admit they are gracious, loving and bleeding heart and most assuredly, perhaps they are Australian, they could simply earn $800 fast cash handout which is the amount they dont even care. In virtue of those charitable person, chillad of baby inspired product had been created to secure their children because most of the nanny or caretaker just couldnt pay concentration every inch. This utterly inspired the creator.

O'pair baby leash
This is exactly for those who are always absent minded and napping to clinch their little angel. But somehow the string binded on each other would broken. I dont know. You judge it. And somehow it causes accident of de trop, pulling the baby down the stairs if the baby unwilling to walk with you.

#2 Daddle
Heck, the daddler is the creation of Einstein. I believe everyone love to playing fool with their parents especially this um, adult-feel-not-so-fun-daddler would be a nightmare for the parents and fantasy for the little one. This is torture, papi.

#3 Her first heel

Girls love pretty not to mention the baby as long as she's female. Her first heel would be extremely lavish and appropriate for the baby girl to looks prettier and taller. And so when she's getting growing up, she can handle it so well. Also, if the baby boy would like a pair of them, no problem. Make a wish.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Martial Arts

This is count as a article of tribute to Bruce Lee after consideration is all. I dare to say he is the most well-built visible living thing you could ever see with your bare eyes but save for those who are living under rock near 100 years. He is the only one able to disfigure other's body tissue severely without any freaking weapon including his remarkable nun chuck. Please don't ever compare nun chuck to a nokia phone because in fact it could deal as much as a chainsaw damage. At the moment you open your eyes, everyone is bed down on the floor. Nunchuck is tailor made for those who like self-sabotage emo teenager So, pick up your nun chuck and act like a hero.

No ifs or buts about it, Jeet Kune Do created by Bruce Lee when his in meditation in his yellow jumpsuit. His kicking other's ass in unbelievable speed like a rocket launching to the space almost as the speed of light. I kid you not. The capture speed of the camera is holding the white flag all the time when it faces Bruce Lee. Jeet Kune Do press on how to hopping around, making some sound effect so it can save some cost on movie budgeting. Now don't believe in Merlin, trust Bruce Lee.

When holding forth to Bruce Lee, his enemy Chuck Norris couldn't be escaped from it. Despite the western always owning some born benefit of big bone, bigger shoulder, more muscular without the contribution of gym, Bruce Lee still kicking his chest though, his chest hair does not really help him to resist the constrait of Bruce's high kick or what-so-ever side kick. Shouldn't he just quit his job and started grow some edible plants to feed his family. Otherwise, he will get his family massacred.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A really Awesome Video

As the title said, you can find real awesomeness of sheepheaded Ryan Higa's actions. It worth to watching it to end.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


At first glance of this topic, it's obviously to know from the topic about American culture dominating the world because of the globalization. We get to know everything by dint of the globalization. Alicia Keys, Jay-Z, Obama, William Hung, always-on-drug Amy Winehouse and Persian Cat .Bow down to globalization, otherwise, we don't know Justin Bieber that is so excellent in singing. Over and above, I can consume my deluxe McChicken with the smoked chicken and tender chicken inside. Now Look, if you ever said, "Have you watched Rick Blackmore dancing last night?" " Yeah, it was totally drive me insane!" That means you are already being Americanized, simple as that. It's doesn't need to be exactly words like that though. I mean now if we continuously watching CSI or Prison Break, as a consequence, there will be no more blue skies overhead. Our cultural may disappear like a fat women falling from one-hundred-and-first floor headfirst.

There must be something that is really good that we not even giving em' a chance to pretend they are good. Give Orang Cicak once over, it's a succeeded example of parody of all hero movie.However, there are something really astonishing me, they are passel of animal species on the earth, why cicak? You know cicak wasn't that good to be a hero, somehow humiliating. I believe that's the reason why Cicak was chosen. Blame Kirk Alyn or Tobey Maguire that they have done a good job that hack a deep impression on how we look over hero.

The whole shebang is like a double edged sword, good and bad appears at the same moment, people would feel over positive stereotypes over the the American culture, their way of thinking, way of eating to the extent of obesity and way of playing are awesome. They throwing down gauntlet and do anything, good or bad is another thing. Once they succeeded, their news would storm over the world for instance, Empire State of Building, in constrast, when they failed, they failed big like Great Depression. Their freedom is maximised as we can see in their policy's freedom of speech and market economy. Everything is free to float naturally without any intervention. Still, someone protest about it.

American culture is revealed too widely and concerned by the others, people do care whatever happening in this country, causes it's flaw can be singled out so easily. Every country out there have their own brand of corruption, I mean they shared the common but why do people only focused only on the State? And Dude, I just watched Spiderman 3(yawn.......)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Zombie is dead

Walking undead or mostly known as zombie is no more far out or odd to us, yet those zombies won the envy of the men and the admiration of the ladies, I mean look at Robert Pattinson, his a success example. Okay, maybe he's vampire, but it's doesn't make a difference. He still bite people for no reason. In the early years, the zombie standing in the teasing or provoking of the human, they became brawny. Because of they growing up being teased of sluggish, so they evolved a skill called full sprint like what you see in left 4 dead. People regret of what they have done, and they wish they should have not teasing them at the first place. With all due respects people, you are screwed. Fresh MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me!!!!! You Pauchy Bastard!!!! That's My Words!!!!!!! FRESHhHHHHHH MEATTTTTT!!!

Picture this.In 80's, once again, Michael Jackson welcomed all his Capable-of-Dancing-Zombie friends to show up in his music video, Thriller. However, as the price of it, Micheal Jackson had turned to one of them, and you can witness the can of worms, all those inhuman action, throwing baby on the street and his struggle of changing himself back to human. Finally, he's dead because of the zombie virus spread throughout his dead body. Zombiism could only be spread and could not be cured, therefore, in the end of the day, zombies are dominating the human world, and we gonna feed them or become the slave of them. At present, the people are trying to gain from the zombie because the zombie series cherish the wants of people, fulfill their lust of painting their brain on the wall by pulling a trigger on their head. Resident evil series is like a recitation for us to learn how to shot a zombie using a gun or how to remove their head sweetly. Fellas believe apocalypse of zombiism would happen, so they start to learn how to deal with zombie and gain them as a crow flies at the mercy of zombie-frightened-people.Dude, I dont lie. Look at his ZOMMBBBBIEEEE FACE

It's quite obvious that the people like now praying to Merlin that Zombie exist so that they can squeeze out their stress that have been stored for years and years of the metro city by kicking asses or get ass kicked. By the way, just set morality stuff aside. Theoritically, they are walking perhaps running DEAD. See I emphasis on the word DEAD. Yes, they are dead, Federal Bureau Investigation not gonna hunt you down like thunder hitting a thunder tiger. Yet, we skipped the important part, you get free gift. A piece of green word doesn't give a shit to you anymore, you have to search for raw material like infected chicken, infected cow or infected fruits and whatnot. Thats why you are highly recommended that you could just eat what the zombie eat instead you cook them before you pecked them. The meat um, are tasty somehow, I dont know.

Lastly, no facebook. People would have no heyday to do such nonsense thing. There probably a zombie sitting next to you and say: ' oh, that's my facebook, could you add me?' And the next thing could happen, you got your finger bitten off. Facebook's down. My little desperado.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Everyone has a hero in the very deep of their heart giving them model of life, I'm the only exception though.I kid you, I love Robocop. By the way, Batman, Spiderman, Cicakman, Power Rangers, Jay Chou, dog and What-so-ever-man and you name it. They can be trusted not of their tip top moral value but their extraordinary super power making you breath taking and say oh, my hero. .

Robocop, however, has its weakness, his set up of arresting black marketeer, somehow, is too systematized. Interview the witness, but I believe it's interrogation. I mean his way of asking people is a bit brutal. Of course, being a super cop of analyzing the situation is extremely important because it's relate to his own life. (I take him as dead by the way) Then, if the enemy is armed, this demoniac, bloodthirsty, cruel 'Cop' would blow his arm off instantly.What if there are typographical error in your made-in-China-mind. You would be immediately toss in jail. So think before you do. As to design him towards neighborly just like girl next door by coloring it with some cornflower crayola, the bad doer wont aware the exist of them, and kill them in the blink of the eyes by blowing off their hand and leaving them bleeding to mortified. It's just my rhapsody. But seriously, I think there are much more space for the Robocop to stretch.

From times to times, Robocop is still arcane to us, of it's ability to chase after a evil doer and it's mentality. Also, because of his cabalistic, a lot of fans are still obsessed about him including me, talking about his powerful bazooka, unlimited ammo and funny look. I know it sounds sarcastic. I'm done with him. His creepy face full of the feeling of dolls in Isla de Las Munecas. I just couldn't stare straight on his face, reason why I can't imagine his crippled face after he took off his metal mask, it must be some scar on his face just like Freedy. In the end of the day, Robocop would become horror movie and we called it Robocop the 13th. However, it giving us the conscious of the importance of advocate justice and nevertheless, violence, the only mistake he did, blow off other's arm. The lesson telling us don't ever trust machine because it got no brain, otherwise your arm will be the one got scarified.

I expect continuity of Robocop just like Harry-Freaking-Potter-Part-Hell 1 and Saw 12 that is recording now and will be released in 2060 in the apocalypse of Ryan Higa.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

In response to Haloween

Before I started the post, if you notice, I spelled out out the wrong word in the topic line, it's suppose to be Halloween instead of Haloween because at the first time I can't even spelled it right, not to say write a piece of them. Definitely, to them I'm just a hoopla, another Bozo. Therefore, I decided to google it and hereupon I found it on the main page of google. (P.S I love Google, it always make my life easier).

Well, back to the topic, Halloween is the day all manner of spirits are permitted to walk through both human world and whatnot. What people really do care is how the douchbag dress up. You probably see a real Freddy walking on the road, not in the dream anymore, and some really uh argh um floozy look, slutty look like what in the parody of Stan Helsing . You can say the Halloween is the chance of the girls can dress up peculiarly. These kind of people are what we called attention-seeker, they want people laugh at how keyed they are. Now, seriously, who cares? Since everyone wear the same costume on that day. However, this year Halloween consider.....(yawning). Neither Freddy nor Tony, what I could see are countless Lady Gaga and thriller Michael Jackson. Needless to say, you can find these costume in the typical convenience shop easily, it's getting commercialized. People panicked because they lose consciousness of the celebration of Halloween; remember our as mortal. But, whatever.( I don't meant to change the fonts, problem occurs and it changed per se).

If there ain't Chimera, there are no horror, that's why subsisted human created lot of additional fabrication on something. They try to freak people out with pumpkins, scarecrows and you name it. How could a such a toothsome and savory pumpkin becoming a Jack O lantern. At present, the child antecedent desensitizes of freaking Jack O, they bring along their Jack O doing trick or treat and standing jerky in front of stranger's house plead for sweets or perhaps money. Frankly, I personally think money is preferably
because with that we can buy more sweets.

Happy Halloween.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The day I'm still alive

Just for you to know, shh...., it's between ours, I'm having final exam.

And you know what's next sentence I'm going to say. ( Curtain closing down)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Recession? Better save your money

Hey, what up? This is gonna be a real quick one to learn bout' saving money. A compelling way to save your words up to million dollars and there is no border to it. So with that Monet, you could invest on other thing a Hala Ranch. or Buggatti Veyron, it's up to you. But you gonna be serene and patient in all these way-to-better-saving method because it's gonna be a long suffering. But once you reach it, theoretically you beat Carlos Helu and Bill Gate. However their way to save money is out of your imagination box, billions and billions of bread throwing to blue chip investment, can you do it? Exactly, you gonna follow my way.

Separate the two ply. As I told before you gonna need some patient in doing this. Dont you say this is age old joke anymore.Dont take this for grandted. Not anymore the spartan folks doing this, anyplace you could find on the earth. You will be far left behind if your not doing this and dragging other's feet, goddamnit. From an sincere soucre stated that if an average household use 100 sheets per day, it's gonna save up to 10 dollars per year. Heck you dont undervalue of 10 dollars, it can used to feed a household watching furious prehistoric Piranha in 3D with some bloody popcorn and citric taste Pepsi. Despite that, you wont have time to watch Piranha because you need to separate the sly piece by piece and gum it back because there are cohesive subtance at first place. However, there are always someone love ot level our effort into ground, Howard Hughes for god's sake. This fake guy put the toilet all over his genitals, what gross?

The other alternative way to save your money is to apply the prinicipal of 3R. Reuse, Recycle and whatever-it-is. Listen carefully, child is prohibited from doing this at home, try to do it at somewhere else. It comprises lot of stunt even Eviel Knievel failed to do it.
Reuse your old calander. yeah, you hear me, REUSE YOUR OOOOLLLLLDDDDD CALENDER. I guess this capture your attention. You probably would ask me, 'You godamn ninny, the date from each year not the same.' No, there are the same somehow 1955 and 2050 match the same date, both the first of January fall on Sat. What you gonna, do some bewildering calculation, hire some expert mathmaticians who know Hodge Conjecture to make your life easier.

With this, your life got real meaning.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Howdy, Gaga?

It's been sometimes I feel gaga was grounded. I couldn't see her hanging around the news. Perhaps the mass media feel bored doing the repitition. Is she hermaphrodite? Perhaps they had steped out and said, "Enough, gaga." No matter what, bunch of fans are still bedding her in a way of dyed in a wool. Because of her, finally I know there is someone isn't aroused of being called a freak. In the eyes of the viewer, she's perculiar instead of freak. She just wearing a costume made of cruor, seeing things isn't much important to her by the way. Labrador should guide her all the time even when the handover of the Grammy award, she's blinded. I'm prying if she knows she looks awful and the most important of all, does her fan even recognize she's gaga or the serial killer of America, Albert Fish. Who knows?

At present, I slightly catch the fashion sense of gaga. Unlike Nina Hagen, she always top some weird junk on her coconut. A slaughterous piranha? Oh, what people try to avoid. If you don't believe, that's evidence below.Not counting, I give green on the quote next to this. Replaceable, disposable, recyclable. You know what I mean. You judge it.Dosn't they look alike?

She's protested. She can sing? Then why is she auto-tuned? Auto-tuned is needed only for those who is unable to sing. Lil Wayne, for instance.LOL. She can sing and this answer for the above. Her talent on piano skills is irrefutable? No way, her 'talented' piano skills devour only 2 years to complete the mission of 'talented'. Everyone could be gaga if you wanted to be but only if you are ready to be slaughter by piranha. 'Bad Romance'. I believe this song get stuck in your head, whenever or wherever the song played in a shopping mall, John, streets or inside of the forest, you are ready to hymn with her. Rah rah, ah ah ah, gah gah oh lala. Sick. It's just catchy as Banana Phone.

Still, I'm waiting for a day that everyone is fitting themself of rocket launching bras and hit the road. Deperado

Monday, August 30, 2010

Now You're in New York

What's up New York? Hush, it's between us, I do feel New York's great. Concrete jungle where people desire. It's aint one place similiar to this. New Zealand? You must be kidding me.Seriously, it's living a magnet, of it's snare attract everyone pass by him. Killing your camera without your conscious because it is happening all the time. Brim over your irksome day. Indeed, as the world of core of consumption, new yorker gotta busy in their metrapolitan world. Maybe you will find some boredom here. But because of this, you will find a piece of it is like no other. They are step on gas the whole time and perhaps you are sitting there, you definitely will be filmed down. You are so perculiar that how do you have time to sit.
That's a place I wanted to visit all the time, the Empire State of Building. Hey man, hundred thousands of movie or whatever it is being featured here. Tell me if your negative. And that's a myth I want to eyeball if Ican see empire state of building from afar Manhattan. It's said that it's like the vertical one in the carpet of horizontal and you can imagine how it is. Last but not least, the Statue of Liberty. I always give attention on the statue of liberty when I was young, and I'm so eager to feel the existence of it but the only dire strait of it is where we can't access the interior of it. One day. I would.
For the lover of steak, you're in hot water. New York known for his superb steak where rated gold standard. Of course, big greenback or long green means better. You don't want to be sucked. Oh, indeed it's my viewpoint. With great aplomb from unknown source, people ready to spend in NYC. A typical steak house is always put on a finish, wood-detailed dining room giving a feeling of next door. Plus, professional musicians lineup moderate your body through your dining experience. Kind of feeling you could imagine. It would be a good perches when people rushing.

Hasta La Vista, New York.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Closing till end of this month....

Friday, August 13, 2010

The month of riot

Here comes the mid of august, and the beginning of august almost banished by me . It doesn't mean anything to me of the initial of the month. Research project, assignment , test, research project, assignment and test. I'm feeling like nothing is real like what mirage did in most of the dessert. Giving the counterfeiting hope to the people. I mean this can't be real, hell days of rountine. You think you done this and gonna have a deep breath but you end with inhale nothing. Yet, you still need to enduring the bleed. Why? It's the "growing" process neither you or me can beat it.

holla august, Im standing on the cliff of grand canyon listening to the echo. August's great. Another step to the place of abbadon.You can't even imagine the life in Gehenna, the place for us to condemn. Did we done something wrong? No wonder. Or perhaps past life regression would unveil the truth. Who knows?
And that's about enough after ranting so much.

Well, if you notice, i had changed my profile picture for no other reason but I agree every human being on the earth has the same right to raise their volume about what they want. People has the same equality. Despite the media nowadays is full of violent and perhaps inappropriate to the young. Yet, if we look at it prudently, that's a fact about free speech is always the choice beyond compare. Indeed, they would be schooled of the reality of this world in nothing flat. No doubt it would be great platform to learn instead of spoon feed them, conduct them like an infant.No way. If not eventually, they could suffer in the force of evil. They may end up counting hana, man, mona, mike for the rest of the life. Censorship of media would only clog the growth of them and in ultimately they may have zilch alertness to the outside world. Physically prepared, but mentally stunned.

And before end of the august, I would like to say I do paint the town because of the double moon put a perfect screeching halt to it. Ciao August.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

After MTV live stage

Awesome Awesome and Awesome.
I felt the spirit of alternative rock lead by bunkface and tokio hotel.
Papi, I shouted everywhere, jumping like a Robinson.N.
I can felt the living of the music inside of every heart.
alternative rock by bunkface and pop rock by tokio hotel.
Heck Bill Kaulitz, his voices makes you ashamed of yourself.
I know I've been dumb saying all this.
It's because I'm tired of acting like a monkey.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Short post

It's been week that I'm away from keyboard. There's nothing to rant about. The world is unexpected in order. A sisiy has a sisiy talk. Girls still girls, always analogized to earthquake. Mountain Everest still the member of carbon-copy, had a dream of becoming a volcanic mountain. The picture of chimera never been igonored in the mind of carbon dioxide try to burn this earth into dust. This is the world where I'm living. A freaking undead diary for the future just in case for me to see how ignorance is this John Doe to talking crap.

Typing all this just to stress out the upcoming presentation, assignment or you know what, the topic test. They are after each one. I kid you not. Blogging currently allow me to unload some dung. I know it was stink. But this is the best way to describe it. Oh yeah, don't believe in drug that can make you stress out, it's totally crap. And if you trust me, that's a way you can stress out. Hold on, the way dosn't work out because of some technical problem, therefore the system is shutting down. It's my nom de plume there " A short post" , therefore this is not gonna be a long post. Anyhow, I'm trying to back to the love of the assignment presentation and whatnot.

To be continued,

" 10 ways to stress out in a day of abaddon" is coming soon.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Do you serve him? Who? Nuffnang

This creative or money-making tools, conquer every heart of the blogger with 50 and above dollars each month. Not anymore like earning jewish money. What they solicit is you put a blue emblem there and waiting for some clicks. Of that I'm sure you need some fascinating topic to blog about, for everyJustify Fullone feel free to bring up the rear of your blog. Yet, a widely spread ed social networks is another factor signal the green light for you to blow off the bank vault with a enforced frame of the nuffnang. You can get any of you want.

Right now, in fact, they serve nuffnang for nothing. With this huge amounts of bloggers, how many of them are outstanding and can attract large number of viewers. For the sake of promoting blogging, they are bullshit. I could be gracious calling you a nuffnang bloggers. But what's the point? I mean no one would know the mechanism they have been using. Suppose they earn 5 figures per advertisement, and everyone share a piece of pie from it. There come to my wringer , why are they doing all the way for this? A charity to share with everyone? A philantropy for the Haiti? Come on.
Yet, they are someone make the passion of blogging as their living tools. They have lot of masterpiece of articles. I kid you not. They can earn up to 4 figures without a hitch.
Oh my dandy, that's probably undergraduate fellow nowadays can't earn it. A blogger? It used to be a joke. A place for all of us to enunciate daily feeling. For your friends to care about you. Prior to girls and boys relationship. It sounds ironic I know.

Afterall, I guess if you want some piece of frozen treat from them, you need some good traffic by inviting some unique readers. Don't let your blog zonk out. You would hack like it if you're in the very first time to earn silver coinage. It will be your safest track to trap a note with 50 written above rather than you begging on the road, give a black eye. After the Nipon. If you know that geisha are trained to become a blogger killer.

A respect to Ryan. TeeHee

Monday, July 12, 2010

Iphone 4

Steve Jobs again with it's impressive presentation skill persauaded the people how thinnest is the iphone prototype. Not anytime but right after the ipad. They again keep over the entertainemnt tools industry under thumb by storm. Ipod, Ipad and now Iphone. The personal and extravagance things. The originator of the iproducts are eggheaded. When peoples mention about their ipod, they will tell about the "I" first. It meaning the iproducts belong to one. It's only you if you own it. To enchant the effect, they have a sync software called iTunes. Therefore, you only can sign into your personal mainframe belongs to the iproducts. If lamentably, the pc has crashed, pleased to say, you files has gone if you don't have any backup files. And it's time you to say godamnit. Now,seriously, I wish I could dig a hole with a shovel to put them in.
And for now, what about the Iphone 4 now? Why everyone has a iphone 3g and wants a iphone 4 just like what my friend did. Before the phone step on the ground of Malaysia, they actually subscribe it and not to mention some for them subscribe without knowing that the sim card of the phone is micro sim card which is omitted in Malaysia. Anyhow this is not the problems for the smart Malaysians. They gonna figure out some way to knock over. Therefore, they come to a conclusion that cut the edge of the sim card to make it feasible to the iphone 4.

Do you know that how ridiculous is the price of iphone 4? It's freaking 4000 plus, almost as part of the updown court. There is a question? Is the iphone 4 really worth it?
With some antenna problems, you could not hold it like what we used to but hold it in a different manner. A left-handed or what we called sciencetist are advocated to have a iphone 4. It is designed for left-handed person on the other hand it's a private joke for them. Please feel free to ante up if you are left handed person.

In the end of the day, you will watch a schtick of everyone walking on the street with the great apple. An apple a day, keep the boring away. I"m saying that with counterfeit smile try to convince everyone to buy a iphone 4.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Viva Espana

Paul's prophecy freaking right as rain again.

A very congratulation to our Paul. It won again, defeated Mani the bird and became the world champion.

Lastly, to our Spain.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What draw out from my equation?

This is first and foremost the dumbest thing post, it's a simply update. A post without any elaboration. I mean it will be short post about ranting on my equation of balance of a life should be. I concur the fact that thing's isn't perfect. Just like rose growing a thorn. You may say, life is unfair. I would refute you, this is what a life suppose to be. In some way it's fair enough for you to satisfy your wants despite it's not everything. And again this is life, jackass. Therefore I actually gotta do something to keep the ball rolling. Something not granted that time stop everything. I believe that this occurs in every and ours life. So take out your deadly chauchat and shot every of them. There are just baleful to your life. Why keeping them?
Firstly, computer games or even the worse, Facebook games. The advent of them is the mishap and disaster for the human race, if possible the whole ecosystem. Alright, if you don't get the picture of the termination of the human race. Let me explain to you. Because of the advent of the computer games, it degrading our initially artificial brains to entertainment tool. You know, humans are always desolated just like a solitary streetlight standing on the street at midnight but not even people cared about it. That's inspired the onset of computer games. These freaking games no doubt dominating people. And people starting addicted to it, ignored the task of the human to look over the whole ecosystem. I mean this could bring to the doom day. Could you imagine the walking corpse dominating the world?So, please get out from my life, and there is the exit, Thanks.
#2Secondly, the some peoples. There is a type of people who could actually piss you off very easily but still they are good. There ain't any problem to me. They are the people pulling a nine standing in front of you which can giving you time to dodge easily and spotted early. What I'm trying to rant is the people back stab you without knowing. They backstab people because they are scared of people. In fact, you could not dissect every each of them. This is the worse part and therefore you should be alert of them.

I believe every and you can firing off messages at a lightning speed. To text your friends in the same time. It oblige to certain degree of skill. They are peoples who can actually multi -tasking, texting in while playing video games. They are awesome.
I have experience having intense convesration can lead to the problems and be at the cross purposes. It's bothersome to disclose emotion via texting. Personally, I feel exasperate when people sat beside you texting furiously. They are damn annoying. They started trembling because they lose the ability of speak. That's what language class should get started. 2 redress ur sms lauguage. Lmao. Again, TeeHee.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Football Mania- Mamak Culture

Every four year is the prime time of the mamak stall to bar to pubs. They are competing who has the larger plasma TV, promoting their own drink package to make the football fever bewitch of them. After the night potluck, as we can see, the men spend a wee hours gathering at the mamak stall to watch their supporting football team, share their passion and cheer on their team. Wait, that's the team, I gonna talk about, a game which American match with England. I believe this is the game the worldwide England football's fans will depressed. The underdog team surprisingly weed out a draw with the pizzazz England. America's cool. But genuinely, I don't know much about football. TeeHee
Unless you are living in the stone age with no small screen and calender, or else you would not know that this month is the freaking month of football, the greatest event of the world. This, as in my mind is a fuzzy thing though, is added to the pop cultural of Malaysia. Mapley nowadays is incongruous with the previous one. Stink air running over the stall, the 'tiny' sideboard, dishabille or unhygienic food humid shop a lot and tiled wall. Not surprisingly, the mamak stall now is like the franchise, businesslike of operating the mamak culture and yet the mentioned 'Plasma TV' to enable the football fever can fancy over their favorite team and cheer for their team. Did I mentioned that a cup of fined teh tarik is the best correlate to the football match.
Perhaps you want enjoy a late-night match of football, welcome to Malaysia, the sans pareil, save for the United Kingdom of course. We have a lot of delicious and fabolous food. For instance, roti canai, teh tarik, nasi lemak and what not. as well as the hangouts decorated by the color banners of the countries. The passion towards their favorite will be . You will indubitably feels like you are watching the live.The live that the Zidane was send off for a headbutt. Please don't doubt the advancement of the mamak stall broadcasting the football live, they are the wizard, out of your surmise.

Anyhow, the distance from here to Cape Town, the FIFA host place , is about 5,000 miles though, but the Malaysia, nevertheless, is like the second host place for the FIFA, our peoples are affected by the FIFA blast.I mean cut the comedy, you can actually guess how serious is our Malaysians. They can even take a leave on the next day just to fulfill their lust towards the world cup which means the ecstasy actually work on them. I think, being the emcee of the football is being gainfully employ in the "worldwide and no web". What am saying here could be a druthers for the mapley's owner to profit better with the marginal expenses rather than variety of discounts. TeeHee

Friday, June 18, 2010

Do you ever witness a vampire?

I do not own this copyrighted.Thank you

As a consequent of the masterstroke Twilight, what would you tell about vampire or maybe a banshee?Hold on, a banshee? It's probably is not some kind of vampire.Okay, I think everyone can relate it to ours gorgeous Edward Cullen from the Twilight series. Not to mention, less people would think of the classical Count Dracula, the supernatural abilities owner. The abilities of blood sucking off the body in just few seconds, denature to a ‘bat' and what so ever. Nevertheless, Meyer had glorify the image of the vampire in the eyes of the viewer. The love story between a vampire with a girls melted and warmed every heart of a lassie. As a pryer, the existence of the vampire had rising million bugs in my mind and make me inquisitive about it.
So I actually had seriously look for it on the Youtube and every possible website. And there is not even one photo-captured vampire in the real life. Rather than the spirit, the spirit has been captured zillion times. Subsequently, I come to a conclusion that there is no vampire, it is non-existence till I saw Don on Youtube. Theoretically, he is a vampire. He keep away from the diurnal course. Now, maybe you would say, girls do that. But he sleep inside of a coffin. Here comes a question, the basic question of asking the vampire. Does he feed on blood. I don't know.
What i know, I can tell you dead sure, he definitely looks like what's on our mind of a vampire should looks like and the way that the author portrays it. In fact, he's not a vampire. He's suffering from some kind of disease. A very scientific name, Fibromyalgia. Hence, he sleeping in the coffin to relieve the throe due to the disease. I don't know is that really help to relieve pain?.Believe it or not? Everything will be solved if you try it. In addition to that, he made a decision of keeping away from the sunshine due to he is easily get sunburn instead of what we thinking he really is.

Please bear in mind that vampire is not really what we think he is. The existence of them is still a controversy topic. No one eyewitnesses the subsistence of the vampire. You can't compare it to the UFO in the same episode. UFO sounds more logical. There are witnesses from year to year. But the vampire is still a myth, a legendary. A myth that the werewolves and them are immortal. A myth that the vampire is blood sucker. A myth that they are evil. It is contradictory to me.
What if everything have been denied and contravene. A fact that the werewolves and them are mortal. A fact that the vampire is blood donator behind every sad story. A fact that they are best friends of human race.A man who like Christopher Reeve. It's just like what Meyer illustrated them perfectly. A perfect Edward Cullen you can ever imagine. Because of our thinking, everything's bad like the vampire of Croglin Grange can be? He's just anomalous, slightly different from the murderer in Bradford and Columbia. What? I'm just saying. The Lady Gaga. TeeHee


Just, rest in peace.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Youtube best watching

#1 NigaHiga
First of all, Nigahiga, I hope you are not living under a rock, you should know him by the way. No doubt, He is my favourite of all. He created a lot of freaking funny video. Whenever his new video post on the youtube, his views dramatically grow up to 2million views, everyone of his video basicly. He has a sense of humour, which is a cornerstone of making all the man charming. If you watch it, you probably get addicted to it, like you drinking cocaine. There is a bulky bouncing ball with him in the scene though. Ryan just live everyone up in the life. He makes us smirk instead of smile because of his unpredictable idea. Some of his is full of sardonic element, idiotic element that makes you get pwned. And did I mention he's a American borned Japanese, despite he's an asian, he is still welcoming in the west. Just cool right? He's my personally hoopla all the time. Thereupon, I recommend you to subscribe his video, it definitely live you up, helping you get rid of coconing. TeeHee
Please feel free to click on it. NIGAHIGA

#2 AJ Rafael
UM, how should I make vivid of him. He's talented singer like what the picture showing. Another American borned Asian. Now that only I knew that every philipino know sing when I saw him. He makes some nice video like cover of LUCKY originally sang by Jason Mraz and Colbie Cailat, a wongfuproduction MV and the cover of can't take my eyes off to you. It never failed to amaze me each of the video. I know what you think, he's not a physically very good person, but I'm sure that his caliber or singularity would stupefy you. I"m the one who languish to him, no defence against him. I wonder why every philipino know to sing ever and again? Is that something relate to inheritance? If you kindly check it out on the youtube, a splendid vocal, most of them are philipino. I wish I was a philipino. You hear me? Sorry I don't mean that. I love to be a chinese, so that I can understand Chinese better and therefore I can watch my "favourite" Taiwan Drama. Not to mention, he is the #31 most subcribe in the YOUTUEBE.

#3 Charlie bite my fingers again
Oh, Charlie's bad man. Foremost, I have to typewrite something nothing relate to the post title. Charlie's my pet's name. And, yeah, this is him. My little chuck little. He used to fool around, hit the wall pell mell or blinldy. I'm apologizing that I'm not gonna list down everything of his stupid thing because it's just too much. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE, he's not suppose to exist in this post. To be honest, it just used to extend the post length. Cheer
Back to the proposition, dead sure Charlie's the most views video on the youtube. And the problem is what makes this 56sec viral video flooding the youtube. We only can ratiocinate and draw to close that the mindless one always the hit one. As you can see the Charlie's video. The video is dedicated to his godfather and it and a whimsical phenomenon is just right in front of your sight. I don't comprehend the trend so I would not talk about it and I can't write much about it. ( P.S I love Harry better) My gorgeos Harry.

That's guilt-ridden in my heart that I'm not going to write about the Bad Romance to be the youtube best watching. It's my post that and therefore my final desicion not letting her appear at here. If you read the the news, Lady Gaga faked murder scene, a cascading blood begrimed on her body. She really get into hot troubled water this time. If you know that's just a case happening few hours ago, about some innocent people killed by physchotic killer.Please make yourself into the situation? What would you think. Please be mindful of an action by her can rising the sadness or dolor of the family of the victim. Frankly, how can a parents allow their children to watch such a show full of violent scene. No ones.Maybe she lack of some sensitivity to the issue. She did really cross the border line this time, it's not about her talent or about her taste and fashion to be special this time. The scene of bloody LG appears to back what I believe. Is she hot? Sorry that I was talking a lot of blahs.

The end

But she's just so.....
Please enough my dear, we're talkin about the youtube best watching.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Flu treated me well

De novo, I have became the Vicks commercial star, having a seriously flu, runny nose and a nauseating fluid. It was just convincing others to buy the product rather than others.Heretofore, flu is designed by the great "student" not to go to school. A tadpole should say to his mom like that

Boy: Mom i fallascik because of the hacking flu
Mom: Alright, get ready your uniform, bus's on the way.
Boy: Mama, look at the the snot.
Mom: How nasty son..okay, you win it.

Flu is so nasty it makes us all go ridiculous, using the flu as a shield to not to do everything.Mine, of course , there is no any record even outside of the aerosphere. Technically, I am dead man. I denied all the currently medical science, and there is no antibiotic and rebel my unbeatable virus. It's how amazing. Whether or not I might be on the brink. Eat or die. If I keep eating sizzle or saute stuff, it will be like what I explained above. No joke. Not any remedy can cure deathly flu.

Andum, it's a private joke, I have a highly exposure membrane to engage to flu. Therefore, the situation is like today you saw me sick, the next week again.So embarrassing. So in one day, I will becoming the laboratory rat in Scaborough. Plus, probably you will see me in the A1 headline titled "Freaking people Freaking sick". Additionally, the most of the point of this article is do you know that you are paid even though voluntary involve in the lab rat.TeeHee

I'm not interesting in you calling me mama', I'm bit mama' though, but the weather recently is fluctuating and the son drinking less.People started trembling. The flooding of the people in the clinic is one of the convincing evidence. Veraciously, I really don't enjoy the doctor thrive on the patient. They have to cut the expense on other necessity. Maybe I was wrong, I guess that the flu is the most profiting 'tools', it contribute mainly in the gaining chart of the doc.This is due to flu is sort of pestilential, an epidemic disease just like the tremendously bird flu, and swine flu. Everyone expose to flu virus which in contagious. Even though, we don't envisage the final product,you know what.Thus, the doc kept gain on the expense of the patient. (PS: no meaning in assaulting doc, just for fun.) And the only good news is the swine flu is not like the one before, everything is wrapped around the fingers. Otherwise, the termination of the human race just around the corner.

And I wonder is that not cool calling swine flu instead of pig flu. Pig flu is just easier to pronounce. Mayyybe, swine flu sounds more scientific, therefore it works on scaring the people. Pig flu is sounds sarcastic. Another example of the past, bird flu. And what the medical officer call it? an avian influenza. It makes me thinking what is it. Why dont us just call it bird flu?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Taiwan Drama work so hot

I'm a typical chinese, watching Taiwan drama withal Hong Kong drama, eating animal organ and what the white would not do. But I aint the hardcore of a Taiwan drama viewer, I would not sitting everyday on time just to watch it or watch untill next morning and then crying like a geyser in yellowstone because of the 'swaying' part. And recently that's a signature of Taiwan Drama,海派甜心, I dare say it's the hilarious ever drama. There is no one single momment that I can stop laughing. It's because every single scene is just so gut-busting. A serious wounded gal fell down from a bed without realization of the doctor while the operation. A man who can always locate a girl. A plotting of a story that till hell freeze over the problem occured only in the love triangle. I can even guess what's next of the story.

E.g You love me and then I love you, you leave me and then I loving you, and then love come back and finnaly someone dead.

I created some rhyme isnt it. But this is basicly the fundamental of the taiwan drama. Perhaps they have changed some of the element of the story and the way they perform but I'm just feeling that they are the same. A problem incurred that never exceded 3 people. It send me to sleep. No matter what, it is wearing the diadem, everyone is on the knee. They get hooked to it, the highly entertaining one. They catch the thoughts of the youngs nowadays, they know what they want, perhaps the romantic one. The romantic drama created a link between them, the relevant one, relate to the young's love story.

And somehow I wonder are the peoples actually watching the drama, I mean the story of the drama. Suprisingly, I get the respose from them, some of'em are not, they actually just want to 'watch' their idol. You know them. So like, when you ask them what they are watching, they probably will response you, Xiao Zu(a chinese idol). Meaning that the movie is not their bull's eye but their idol. I pity the director, the passion of the story plotter. They work for fly speck. The idol is above the movie.

It seriously wont last long, but Davina will. A love pain is designed to be a mayday for you to get away from it asap. But what's happening in the drama is, the girl is again and again fall in the love trap with the same person. This is the true love to all appearance.It's just like a snowball lumping the snow falling from the Schneeberg ultimately hurt the people around it. Therefore, I mark it as another notable love labyrinth full of thorny tentacle. Never ending but hurting.

Being the traditional chinese that I am, I suppose to love any of Taiwan drama and of course after the idol that physically nice. Nada,I personally dont think so(No offense). I'm malaysian chinese, therefore I should footing on the local drama. Cheer

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pac-man is my childhood

I only realized that pac-man is one of the arcade game that I'm loving when I was young subsequent to the google letting us playing pac-man on the homepage of google. It totally rock my world that day.It flash back the my childhood playing pac-man.So, I put in my whole day just for the pac-man. No any ennui run through my mind, even I was facing it the whole day. I was trying the whole day to get rid from the four monster i.e Blinky, Inky, Pinky and Clyde. So, you have to navigate your mouse to guide your moving "mouth" to eat all the dots. After all the dots being eaten, therefore you finish you stage. For me, subjectively, pac-man is a challenge, I have to throw down the gauntlet to fight the monster with a moving "mouth". But please, don't be bigot and be partial, it's a mouth with a super power can put the monster into jail after he eaten um, some bigger dot. (P.S I dont know what that is) Thus, you will have some intermission and take joy of eating the dots.

When I was young, I was obliged to pac-man. It is a company of mine. I used to expert on it. I can continuously complete the stage without losing one single life. Awesome right? Dang, what are you showing off? It just a noob game. It's probably not a juvenile game, it's fundamental of all the game topically. And it's the best or unrivaled game all the time rather than restaurant city, Farm ville and whatnot. Seeing that, it's not like the farm ville, drawing the circle over and over again. Pac-man is a game full of exciting and challenging and maybe a bit of jocose.It's a moving 'mouth". That's explain why the google post it on the homepage at the 30th anniversary of pac-man. It's classical, it reflecting the society that time, it recall back the people at that time. Gathering all the people sharing the common interest, a commonly and vanilla pac-man.

Even now, there is version for the platform of Iphone and Ipod touch, virtually unchanged for the previous one. It is still a frolic for my friends and I. Can you imagine a game unveiled in the great Apple product. That's how amazing. Or else it would not be make a scene as an application in the great Apple product. Do you notice that the application must be paid unless you install the black rain, a hack software. This unveiled the truth that the pac-man is still popular among the people. But heck I would not subscribe it, TeeHee, I could rather download it from the internet just for nothing. UM, and I downloaded it, now it's consuming my time tick by tick like a pendulum swing. That's a about comon or beat it though, but it was just so fun that it comprise my childhood. Every scene of my childhood playing on my mind, when I was playing.

In addition to that, playing two player is much funnier than one player. Well, the google had consider it take into account, so it provide a two player game, all you have to do to click on the "insert coin", and then here you go. Of course, with one player of the Miss Pac-man. A man with a "Miss" . You guys can co-operate and complete the stage very quickly. You may some statistic on your mind to perfect the game. Do it. By the way, I presume you will be faithful to the spirit of the pac-man, unbeatable. In short, pac-man's a truly a momentous moment of a popular culture. I loving it.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Puffing on cigarette looks so gay

Cigarette, comprising roughly 4000 plus compound. Most of them are killing, can debilitate our body. 3 of them are commonly known as carbon monoxide, tar and nicotine. Let me explain it line by line. Nicotine's highly addictice, an fast responce ingredients. it will goes into your brain in less than half minute. The first inhale of the cigarette, you probally can't withstand the jeopardy of the nicotine.Next, carbon monoxide's poisonous gas which can fasten your bloodstream and impair smoker's breathing process. Last but not least, tar, it is also another chemical product can cause cancer due to 70% of the tar will deposited on the lungs and it impediment the normal process of breathing. Enough for the breakdown of the chemical products of the cigarette.It is crystal clear show that the risk of the cigarette. However, just as there are negative effects on the human being, there are also by products which is constructive.Smoking is used to mitigate stress of ours. No matter when you are feeling so stress about the relationship among boys and girls, EXAM and sincerely peer, smoking may there to help you in other word, K .O. Adequately, being so far, pros and cons of the smoking is not what I'm going to spout on. What i'm going to discuss is the trend of the smoking among the young one. Because we all know that in our heart, we recognize it as bad thing, so there is nothing much to talk about.

In spite of of all health risks, teenagers still get hooked by the cigarette meaning the youngs maybe not aware the full extent of the products. I therefore conclude the teenagers nowdays are immortal, living in the world without end. Oh comon, are you awaking? You dying. Papi, you will spending your whole life hugging a cigarette and frankly looks ljkem walking corpse.So now, you think that you can quit and in fact you can't. That's the nicotine carrying out it's responsibility. Any sort of your thinking just futile. You hardly quit it. Life's short, it's a blip and then your gone. You thinking that you would not be in the nick of time hit the cancer counter by one, but this is life and this is the reality, it's not what you think.

Why do you smoke in school?
  • do not perform well in academic
  • do not perform in sport as well
  • friends say good, so I try
  • looks like an awesome man
  • Um, I just smoke
  • they are gal outside
  • I love toilet a lot
  • I love the feeling under-arrest by teacher
  • I crush on discipline teacher
Teens are more abrasive when they are smoking. They express their feeling on the cigarette, it is so vetoed that it is become a product that teens could not live without. In addition to that, cigarette making them alluring in their thoughts, in fact, you are telling others you are gay.(no offense) Smoking also increase someone self esteem. Are you kidding me? Anyhow, perhaps teenager start smoking, they are considered as rebellion and defiance against so your parents. As i mentioned before, part of the young smoker just intend to know what the fuss about it. Sadly, this is the turning point about their life. You are entangled becoming the victim of the cigarette. I'm now so self-disgust. You will keep singing this after some time.At that moment, how you wish you could never start. I do understand that somehow with a teenager mind, will think that, hey, just one, no worries. Look at the people surrounding you,
you have no different at all. They smoke and they wont stop. You dont want to be like them I'm sure on that. Thus, stop it.

And so now I call it a day for spouting on cigarette, my little desperado, would you give it a try?

Friday, May 28, 2010


I love music. I do love music. They're part of my life. It inspires the quote of the life. Ipod perform my favourite very well. I hold it almost every day and night. Whenever I walk under the solitary light, winsome of the twilight, windswept on my face, and I look delighted, this is music. They give certain definition on certain people. Love, hatred and nostalgia. I sick over the music. Music is all I worth it,all I deserve. As the music playing, they are simultanuos to my heart, my thought. They are what I think. I reckon it is brain wash, actually it's not. It mirrors my feeling, mock my soul, the deepest of my soul. I was ashamed. They are predictably wicked, on the other hand, they are desideratum of mine.
This is partially the reason why I love music. *wicked* Beethoven is one the history reference wire pulling by music.

The music nowadays is so "twenty-first-cenruty". They suit the taste and fashion of the young. They aim for the young.You know, lady gaga and Sean Paul. They present the music in a whole new brand of definition. Instead of they sing, they mumble a lot. I mean, all joking aside, can you imagine a man who stumble sing on the stage.Here comes my evidence, you can google "Sean Paul", the greatest singer all the time. At that instant, download piece of lyric of any of "Sean Paul" and song of him.Fully concentrate when the song playing, I dare you could not keep up with him. His pronounciation is utmost. Awesome and mind blowing. Basicly, ordinary person would not ever understand his ghost.

Did I mentioned Lady Gaga is another of my favourite. He/She living under Merlin's beard, imbibing the acumen of my respected. That's explain it how she became so famous world wide. Her topic being heated, chiefly on her sex rather than her music and maybe her costume. I heck "love" her incredibly. It is more amazing than the "Montain Dew, Do the Dew" appear on the market of Malaysia. PS: I CALLED THE WHOLE PHRASE AS THE NAME a.k.a MDDTD(scientific name). When it's raining, I listen to them at the starbucks coffee shop, watching the people busy their buisness alone, they could never wanted to stop,feeling the breath of other mortal, I felt cold reaching the freezing point. That's their song is more toward individual relationship, which I named it selfish song.A counterculture-wise. It reflects the misanthropic of the society. I could rather watch "shutter island". Frankly, I do not want to step in the world like this. Music was oddly marginal, and now it has became comedy. Video more than music. It reached a numb place where everyone wearing merrymaker costume. It amuse me. What should response? Laugh out loudly.

If you notice that, hip-hop and rap music bring to the termination of "old school" music. They taking over the chart of other music. Rock's dying. You better could end my life because it prong my life in the past. Seems like I'm living in the "stone age". Oh, whatever... who cares? But in earnest, music can influece the society. It is a magical entities can overtaking the people. When a artist initiate a ridiculous trend lady gaga, there are always fans back up.It makes the music nowadays trivialized.They are considered as entertainment but rather was united.The border lines between music and trend. Society is definitely accessed by the masses of trend but not music. What they do is what the celebritries doing, celebritries became their "exemplar". It's likum dead ringer. We should contemplate or take this into account very seriously.

Excuse for my obsolete taste and fashion, I'm still listen to Billy Joel and please call me Mr. Freak.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lad's Life-Graffiti

Last night, I saw a bunch of chap holding a backpack full of spraying paint,white out, pumits stick and whatnot. They, taggers work under the cloak of darkness, they started work from the break of dawn. They tried to exclaim their "artwork" to the public.They are sophisticated.Their personally tag signature and maybe there are cryptic message behind. Who knows? This piece of shit covering almost all over the world. This is seriously degrading the image of the area. But as you can see, no ones is going to figure out the way to quick fix. So, their dazzling grafitti remain shining on the street in the blindness of the society. Amount of graffiti increasing day by day in absence of regulation. How do we address the issue that lead to that people wandering the streets at night?The graffiti's connotation nowadys mostly are love message or perhaps the expression of the artistic but not those message exchange among gangster in 60' anymore. However, the graffiti on the wall in an established norm is the expression of rebellion, critic of the politics and sarcasm which is highly negative thing should be exist and not be acknowledged. E.g If you walk in the street full of graffiti, is that contribute much to your frighten and feeling like offensing? Could you actually staying on the street and says that, " Em, nice one, let me take a shot." Hey, I bet how you wish to walk away of the street and pray for god that's alternative way instead of this one. They bring to existence of the disharmony and procreate a unattractive visual on the street.

I could not deny that somewhat the graffiti are notable. It's art to an extent. But once they tag on other's property, it is subscribe to vandalism. Who will think that art is a vandalism? No ones. But they enjoy on wreking on other's premises. On the button, they water down the value of a real "Art". They're in the wrong track in expressing their feeling. We would take to heart. Because we know that someday it's toward die hard and in line of the trend in a legal way.Who knows?

The more of the story is someone of "us" must do something do to restrict the full extent of the graffiti as an vandalism. Due to "broken window" theory referred to the book "The Tipping Point" state that perhaps the broken window is leaving on the street, as a result of that, more and more window will be shattered into pieces.Insomuch as they think that no ones be on guard. They are chargeless to do anything and dont have to pay for the damage.
Dont Mess up with them.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rant on Louis Vuiton

When i walk in the crowded street, it is not occasional anymore u seeing a preteen carrying LV or even Gucci. Gosh, Look at their doozy monogram, it's their trademark.Louis Vuiton sounded so class and is. But lo and behold, their monogram actually looks like graffiti on the street. Bear in mind, i personally don't care about the branded product even so i did before. They probably not dominating the market but they are enough to swoon you.

'They are so unique, it improve my self-esteem when in the prom'. What? Unique? I swear almost all of them own a LV or maybe Gucci. Mind if you check your pulse(s), bag(s) are exactly the same with random chosen people on the street. I mean seriously mankind enjoy the moment of pride but it should not come from your outfit but your personality that only can last long. What they gave just a false identity.

Still, some of them just a blind follower. They are not born with a silver key but they willing to save up the money by less eating just for a extravagance product. How can you really keep up with the fashion trend? Even though you have bought your LV or Gucci, somehow people would just say " Hm, this is the faux one". What's the point?
Why dont you just get a nice look bag and if you want a name, put it your own i'll give you an idea. They are pretty and cheap, win-win.
For your knowledge, the material for making LV bags are bullet proof. It will be your superhero whenever you need succor or running from Bugs Morran that holding a AK47.

I would not buy unless you over my dead body. TeeHee. Just kidding

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Facebook being borned in the right place in the right time, good forseen of the current and future trend .Faccebook based on a theory,Concept's from six degree of seperation. Do you heard about that before? Now everyone in the world is actually linked by this concept, six degree of seperation also referred to human web. You can accquaint someone in north pole from south pole though in six step or less. This theory has been implemented in the swoonFacebook and has a result of average 5.73 to link someone although from Boy George to Grigory Perelman.
This awesome website is targeted on the college student ,sarcasticly, designed by the college student, he know what we want.
Last month, my friend and I are out for a drink at OT. Not suprisingly,everyone brought their own laptop and sat down gently and you can guess what's next.

Let me list out what must do after turn on your LAPTOP..
1)Log In Facebook
2)Log In MSN
3) Check my blog

Then,the chap started poke other female user, classmates, friends and unkown(six degree of seperation). Maybe this is supposed to some kind of socialize nowadays. Aint they trying to grab some gal attration? Seriously, who cares as long as the gal wont care?
Nevermind,the smart one is in the white house. Sad to tell, Obama is on the facebook. Obama having his convival time in announcing some significant issue via facebook though. Why not others? Because it is hit and almost every living object involved in undefeated FACEBOOK but mull , yeah, it create unlimited relation between each other but i accent it is less quality. We need quality but not quantity.

My schoolmate of mine ask me why dont you "PLAY" facebook, many of the same age are on there. I stunned and disdain without thinking further. Now you can see what's my first impression on facebook. She still convince me to join the millions time destructive than the nuclear warhead,Facebook. I held firm, i dont want to get addicted by the game full of tedios,mind-numbing,dreary oh god, on the other hand, it has spree power to wanting us NEVER get jaded by the game. Farm Ville, Mafia Wars, Restaurant and what not. They trapped you down and cause a sudden death. That's the hocus pocus, the hidden power, silent but violent.

USA, stout contry, consuming largest portion of the scarce resourses, as usual, the Americans have constitute the enormous usage of the facebook of 55,329,460 user. Not to mention, one of mine friend had almost qualified as world record breaker, she had added 2000 buddy randomly, i mean what's the point doing all this, literaly, a man only can handle 150 fully interactive friends. So, how about the others? She said, "just put aside lah, add for fun only mah", it promptly remind me, this is facebook. In fact, she often post love theory on her header and she always rant and raves on the facebook about her boyfriend. You see how the people spending whole life to poke others through facebook and also keep up with others status update.
Expert claims that we spend 5year in toilet and with the exist of the facebook, we spend 7year blankly. They willing hibernate for facebook like a bug does.

"What so attracive making you access facebook several times in a day and view the same person billion times in the same day. It was a cock and bull story right?


In the end of the day, we're just a regarless desperado like him.

When people said 2012..

Merlin's Beard, what you gonna do with the 'movie' 2012 again?
Take a step back and think twice, is that really just a movie?
I assume it wouldn't happen exactly in the year 2012 but what for the next 10 decades?
Although we have foretold by the "movie" our world gonna end soon but what we are doing is trying to terminate the life candle of the earth without knowing and I'm so sorry to tell you what if it is happening now.Although i don't have this kind of wisdom.This kind of prohecy will never end also, assume that 2012 is a crying wolf, what about the other 2~3 year another "scientific speculation" about the DOOM DAY?
Don't you felt that the earthquake, tsunami, volcanic ash in Germany happen so frequently. 2009-to-2012 should be awarded "catastrophe years", Cheer.
Few days ago, I review my pirate cd"2012" again, this time i concerned at the John Cusack running map,he ran here and there, what the hell he isdoing? You will probally answer me, run for your own life. Sad to say, mankind deserve it what we have done ."Go's around, come's around."Cucask , in the movie,despite you are being emphasized, you are just a refugee.Alright,now, know yourself how fast can you run for the earthquake and tell me the time and if you break the record by Boltz i will personally award you Guinness WC.
Besides that, someone said the is the rip off bible but the fact is this is the prohecy by mayan chronically older than the bible.However,It is not much about where it origin from, it is about the fact being there and lo, no ones is precluded from the saying. The reason being that we are living in the environment of full of safety causing us lose the borned ability of mankind of sensing the danger. We would not respond to the danger unless the falling of sky. We deserve it, I'm serious.
In the finale, the are saved by the technological advancement product(Noah Ark).
What is the movie telling us? I will flick you earlobe if you don't get it.
It alarm us the coming of doom day but before PLEASE treat our earth as your homeboy,that's the only request to survive.
Sometimes just do a little bit subtle changes may make a big difference. Buy yourself a recycle bag-a environment friendly product and you can save the planet.

Love it or else dead people, my little desperado.