Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Short post

It's been week that I'm away from keyboard. There's nothing to rant about. The world is unexpected in order. A sisiy has a sisiy talk. Girls still girls, always analogized to earthquake. Mountain Everest still the member of carbon-copy, had a dream of becoming a volcanic mountain. The picture of chimera never been igonored in the mind of carbon dioxide try to burn this earth into dust. This is the world where I'm living. A freaking undead diary for the future just in case for me to see how ignorance is this John Doe to talking crap.

Typing all this just to stress out the upcoming presentation, assignment or you know what, the topic test. They are after each one. I kid you not. Blogging currently allow me to unload some dung. I know it was stink. But this is the best way to describe it. Oh yeah, don't believe in drug that can make you stress out, it's totally crap. And if you trust me, that's a way you can stress out. Hold on, the way dosn't work out because of some technical problem, therefore the system is shutting down. It's my nom de plume there " A short post" , therefore this is not gonna be a long post. Anyhow, I'm trying to back to the love of the assignment presentation and whatnot.

To be continued,

" 10 ways to stress out in a day of abaddon" is coming soon.

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