Saturday, May 29, 2010

Puffing on cigarette looks so gay

Cigarette, comprising roughly 4000 plus compound. Most of them are killing, can debilitate our body. 3 of them are commonly known as carbon monoxide, tar and nicotine. Let me explain it line by line. Nicotine's highly addictice, an fast responce ingredients. it will goes into your brain in less than half minute. The first inhale of the cigarette, you probally can't withstand the jeopardy of the nicotine.Next, carbon monoxide's poisonous gas which can fasten your bloodstream and impair smoker's breathing process. Last but not least, tar, it is also another chemical product can cause cancer due to 70% of the tar will deposited on the lungs and it impediment the normal process of breathing. Enough for the breakdown of the chemical products of the cigarette.It is crystal clear show that the risk of the cigarette. However, just as there are negative effects on the human being, there are also by products which is constructive.Smoking is used to mitigate stress of ours. No matter when you are feeling so stress about the relationship among boys and girls, EXAM and sincerely peer, smoking may there to help you in other word, K .O. Adequately, being so far, pros and cons of the smoking is not what I'm going to spout on. What i'm going to discuss is the trend of the smoking among the young one. Because we all know that in our heart, we recognize it as bad thing, so there is nothing much to talk about.

In spite of of all health risks, teenagers still get hooked by the cigarette meaning the youngs maybe not aware the full extent of the products. I therefore conclude the teenagers nowdays are immortal, living in the world without end. Oh comon, are you awaking? You dying. Papi, you will spending your whole life hugging a cigarette and frankly looks ljkem walking corpse.So now, you think that you can quit and in fact you can't. That's the nicotine carrying out it's responsibility. Any sort of your thinking just futile. You hardly quit it. Life's short, it's a blip and then your gone. You thinking that you would not be in the nick of time hit the cancer counter by one, but this is life and this is the reality, it's not what you think.

Why do you smoke in school?
  • do not perform well in academic
  • do not perform in sport as well
  • friends say good, so I try
  • looks like an awesome man
  • Um, I just smoke
  • they are gal outside
  • I love toilet a lot
  • I love the feeling under-arrest by teacher
  • I crush on discipline teacher
Teens are more abrasive when they are smoking. They express their feeling on the cigarette, it is so vetoed that it is become a product that teens could not live without. In addition to that, cigarette making them alluring in their thoughts, in fact, you are telling others you are gay.(no offense) Smoking also increase someone self esteem. Are you kidding me? Anyhow, perhaps teenager start smoking, they are considered as rebellion and defiance against so your parents. As i mentioned before, part of the young smoker just intend to know what the fuss about it. Sadly, this is the turning point about their life. You are entangled becoming the victim of the cigarette. I'm now so self-disgust. You will keep singing this after some time.At that moment, how you wish you could never start. I do understand that somehow with a teenager mind, will think that, hey, just one, no worries. Look at the people surrounding you,
you have no different at all. They smoke and they wont stop. You dont want to be like them I'm sure on that. Thus, stop it.

And so now I call it a day for spouting on cigarette, my little desperado, would you give it a try?

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