Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Robert Pattinson's Effect

Edward: Thy lufu to me is like falling rain to river, wide coverage, however, every single little is so precious and related. Min lufu to you would never shadow, times flow though. You should know I love you.

Bella: Oh, Ed, how sweet. Turn me.

Edward: Nic now, there are rules to obey in our world. It's wrong. I love you though.

Bella : I'm passing my prime. Just turn me and eternal love will be with us.Turn me

Edward: Trust me bella. it can be explained, um.. I have forgotten, ask Bieber. I love you Bella

Bella :I'm dying, I'm dying. Turn me. Turn me.

Edward: Ciao Ciao. Love you Bella.

Edward: Thy love to me is like falling star, far but beautiful and now you are falling next to me and I'm gonna not letting go this chance and grab you hard. You are so true to me. Love you Emma

Emma : Oh, dearest. Turn me for the eternal love.

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