Thursday, November 18, 2010


At first glance of this topic, it's obviously to know from the topic about American culture dominating the world because of the globalization. We get to know everything by dint of the globalization. Alicia Keys, Jay-Z, Obama, William Hung, always-on-drug Amy Winehouse and Persian Cat .Bow down to globalization, otherwise, we don't know Justin Bieber that is so excellent in singing. Over and above, I can consume my deluxe McChicken with the smoked chicken and tender chicken inside. Now Look, if you ever said, "Have you watched Rick Blackmore dancing last night?" " Yeah, it was totally drive me insane!" That means you are already being Americanized, simple as that. It's doesn't need to be exactly words like that though. I mean now if we continuously watching CSI or Prison Break, as a consequence, there will be no more blue skies overhead. Our cultural may disappear like a fat women falling from one-hundred-and-first floor headfirst.

There must be something that is really good that we not even giving em' a chance to pretend they are good. Give Orang Cicak once over, it's a succeeded example of parody of all hero movie.However, there are something really astonishing me, they are passel of animal species on the earth, why cicak? You know cicak wasn't that good to be a hero, somehow humiliating. I believe that's the reason why Cicak was chosen. Blame Kirk Alyn or Tobey Maguire that they have done a good job that hack a deep impression on how we look over hero.

The whole shebang is like a double edged sword, good and bad appears at the same moment, people would feel over positive stereotypes over the the American culture, their way of thinking, way of eating to the extent of obesity and way of playing are awesome. They throwing down gauntlet and do anything, good or bad is another thing. Once they succeeded, their news would storm over the world for instance, Empire State of Building, in constrast, when they failed, they failed big like Great Depression. Their freedom is maximised as we can see in their policy's freedom of speech and market economy. Everything is free to float naturally without any intervention. Still, someone protest about it.

American culture is revealed too widely and concerned by the others, people do care whatever happening in this country, causes it's flaw can be singled out so easily. Every country out there have their own brand of corruption, I mean they shared the common but why do people only focused only on the State? And Dude, I just watched Spiderman 3(yawn.......)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Zombie is dead

Walking undead or mostly known as zombie is no more far out or odd to us, yet those zombies won the envy of the men and the admiration of the ladies, I mean look at Robert Pattinson, his a success example. Okay, maybe he's vampire, but it's doesn't make a difference. He still bite people for no reason. In the early years, the zombie standing in the teasing or provoking of the human, they became brawny. Because of they growing up being teased of sluggish, so they evolved a skill called full sprint like what you see in left 4 dead. People regret of what they have done, and they wish they should have not teasing them at the first place. With all due respects people, you are screwed. Fresh MEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me!!!!! You Pauchy Bastard!!!! That's My Words!!!!!!! FRESHhHHHHHH MEATTTTTT!!!

Picture this.In 80's, once again, Michael Jackson welcomed all his Capable-of-Dancing-Zombie friends to show up in his music video, Thriller. However, as the price of it, Micheal Jackson had turned to one of them, and you can witness the can of worms, all those inhuman action, throwing baby on the street and his struggle of changing himself back to human. Finally, he's dead because of the zombie virus spread throughout his dead body. Zombiism could only be spread and could not be cured, therefore, in the end of the day, zombies are dominating the human world, and we gonna feed them or become the slave of them. At present, the people are trying to gain from the zombie because the zombie series cherish the wants of people, fulfill their lust of painting their brain on the wall by pulling a trigger on their head. Resident evil series is like a recitation for us to learn how to shot a zombie using a gun or how to remove their head sweetly. Fellas believe apocalypse of zombiism would happen, so they start to learn how to deal with zombie and gain them as a crow flies at the mercy of zombie-frightened-people.Dude, I dont lie. Look at his ZOMMBBBBIEEEE FACE

It's quite obvious that the people like now praying to Merlin that Zombie exist so that they can squeeze out their stress that have been stored for years and years of the metro city by kicking asses or get ass kicked. By the way, just set morality stuff aside. Theoritically, they are walking perhaps running DEAD. See I emphasis on the word DEAD. Yes, they are dead, Federal Bureau Investigation not gonna hunt you down like thunder hitting a thunder tiger. Yet, we skipped the important part, you get free gift. A piece of green word doesn't give a shit to you anymore, you have to search for raw material like infected chicken, infected cow or infected fruits and whatnot. Thats why you are highly recommended that you could just eat what the zombie eat instead you cook them before you pecked them. The meat um, are tasty somehow, I dont know.

Lastly, no facebook. People would have no heyday to do such nonsense thing. There probably a zombie sitting next to you and say: ' oh, that's my facebook, could you add me?' And the next thing could happen, you got your finger bitten off. Facebook's down. My little desperado.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Everyone has a hero in the very deep of their heart giving them model of life, I'm the only exception though.I kid you, I love Robocop. By the way, Batman, Spiderman, Cicakman, Power Rangers, Jay Chou, dog and What-so-ever-man and you name it. They can be trusted not of their tip top moral value but their extraordinary super power making you breath taking and say oh, my hero. .

Robocop, however, has its weakness, his set up of arresting black marketeer, somehow, is too systematized. Interview the witness, but I believe it's interrogation. I mean his way of asking people is a bit brutal. Of course, being a super cop of analyzing the situation is extremely important because it's relate to his own life. (I take him as dead by the way) Then, if the enemy is armed, this demoniac, bloodthirsty, cruel 'Cop' would blow his arm off instantly.What if there are typographical error in your made-in-China-mind. You would be immediately toss in jail. So think before you do. As to design him towards neighborly just like girl next door by coloring it with some cornflower crayola, the bad doer wont aware the exist of them, and kill them in the blink of the eyes by blowing off their hand and leaving them bleeding to mortified. It's just my rhapsody. But seriously, I think there are much more space for the Robocop to stretch.

From times to times, Robocop is still arcane to us, of it's ability to chase after a evil doer and it's mentality. Also, because of his cabalistic, a lot of fans are still obsessed about him including me, talking about his powerful bazooka, unlimited ammo and funny look. I know it sounds sarcastic. I'm done with him. His creepy face full of the feeling of dolls in Isla de Las Munecas. I just couldn't stare straight on his face, reason why I can't imagine his crippled face after he took off his metal mask, it must be some scar on his face just like Freedy. In the end of the day, Robocop would become horror movie and we called it Robocop the 13th. However, it giving us the conscious of the importance of advocate justice and nevertheless, violence, the only mistake he did, blow off other's arm. The lesson telling us don't ever trust machine because it got no brain, otherwise your arm will be the one got scarified.

I expect continuity of Robocop just like Harry-Freaking-Potter-Part-Hell 1 and Saw 12 that is recording now and will be released in 2060 in the apocalypse of Ryan Higa.