Saturday, May 29, 2010

Puffing on cigarette looks so gay

Cigarette, comprising roughly 4000 plus compound. Most of them are killing, can debilitate our body. 3 of them are commonly known as carbon monoxide, tar and nicotine. Let me explain it line by line. Nicotine's highly addictice, an fast responce ingredients. it will goes into your brain in less than half minute. The first inhale of the cigarette, you probally can't withstand the jeopardy of the nicotine.Next, carbon monoxide's poisonous gas which can fasten your bloodstream and impair smoker's breathing process. Last but not least, tar, it is also another chemical product can cause cancer due to 70% of the tar will deposited on the lungs and it impediment the normal process of breathing. Enough for the breakdown of the chemical products of the cigarette.It is crystal clear show that the risk of the cigarette. However, just as there are negative effects on the human being, there are also by products which is constructive.Smoking is used to mitigate stress of ours. No matter when you are feeling so stress about the relationship among boys and girls, EXAM and sincerely peer, smoking may there to help you in other word, K .O. Adequately, being so far, pros and cons of the smoking is not what I'm going to spout on. What i'm going to discuss is the trend of the smoking among the young one. Because we all know that in our heart, we recognize it as bad thing, so there is nothing much to talk about.

In spite of of all health risks, teenagers still get hooked by the cigarette meaning the youngs maybe not aware the full extent of the products. I therefore conclude the teenagers nowdays are immortal, living in the world without end. Oh comon, are you awaking? You dying. Papi, you will spending your whole life hugging a cigarette and frankly looks ljkem walking corpse.So now, you think that you can quit and in fact you can't. That's the nicotine carrying out it's responsibility. Any sort of your thinking just futile. You hardly quit it. Life's short, it's a blip and then your gone. You thinking that you would not be in the nick of time hit the cancer counter by one, but this is life and this is the reality, it's not what you think.

Why do you smoke in school?
  • do not perform well in academic
  • do not perform in sport as well
  • friends say good, so I try
  • looks like an awesome man
  • Um, I just smoke
  • they are gal outside
  • I love toilet a lot
  • I love the feeling under-arrest by teacher
  • I crush on discipline teacher
Teens are more abrasive when they are smoking. They express their feeling on the cigarette, it is so vetoed that it is become a product that teens could not live without. In addition to that, cigarette making them alluring in their thoughts, in fact, you are telling others you are gay.(no offense) Smoking also increase someone self esteem. Are you kidding me? Anyhow, perhaps teenager start smoking, they are considered as rebellion and defiance against so your parents. As i mentioned before, part of the young smoker just intend to know what the fuss about it. Sadly, this is the turning point about their life. You are entangled becoming the victim of the cigarette. I'm now so self-disgust. You will keep singing this after some time.At that moment, how you wish you could never start. I do understand that somehow with a teenager mind, will think that, hey, just one, no worries. Look at the people surrounding you,
you have no different at all. They smoke and they wont stop. You dont want to be like them I'm sure on that. Thus, stop it.

And so now I call it a day for spouting on cigarette, my little desperado, would you give it a try?

Friday, May 28, 2010


I love music. I do love music. They're part of my life. It inspires the quote of the life. Ipod perform my favourite very well. I hold it almost every day and night. Whenever I walk under the solitary light, winsome of the twilight, windswept on my face, and I look delighted, this is music. They give certain definition on certain people. Love, hatred and nostalgia. I sick over the music. Music is all I worth it,all I deserve. As the music playing, they are simultanuos to my heart, my thought. They are what I think. I reckon it is brain wash, actually it's not. It mirrors my feeling, mock my soul, the deepest of my soul. I was ashamed. They are predictably wicked, on the other hand, they are desideratum of mine.
This is partially the reason why I love music. *wicked* Beethoven is one the history reference wire pulling by music.

The music nowadays is so "twenty-first-cenruty". They suit the taste and fashion of the young. They aim for the young.You know, lady gaga and Sean Paul. They present the music in a whole new brand of definition. Instead of they sing, they mumble a lot. I mean, all joking aside, can you imagine a man who stumble sing on the stage.Here comes my evidence, you can google "Sean Paul", the greatest singer all the time. At that instant, download piece of lyric of any of "Sean Paul" and song of him.Fully concentrate when the song playing, I dare you could not keep up with him. His pronounciation is utmost. Awesome and mind blowing. Basicly, ordinary person would not ever understand his ghost.

Did I mentioned Lady Gaga is another of my favourite. He/She living under Merlin's beard, imbibing the acumen of my respected. That's explain it how she became so famous world wide. Her topic being heated, chiefly on her sex rather than her music and maybe her costume. I heck "love" her incredibly. It is more amazing than the "Montain Dew, Do the Dew" appear on the market of Malaysia. PS: I CALLED THE WHOLE PHRASE AS THE NAME a.k.a MDDTD(scientific name). When it's raining, I listen to them at the starbucks coffee shop, watching the people busy their buisness alone, they could never wanted to stop,feeling the breath of other mortal, I felt cold reaching the freezing point. That's their song is more toward individual relationship, which I named it selfish song.A counterculture-wise. It reflects the misanthropic of the society. I could rather watch "shutter island". Frankly, I do not want to step in the world like this. Music was oddly marginal, and now it has became comedy. Video more than music. It reached a numb place where everyone wearing merrymaker costume. It amuse me. What should response? Laugh out loudly.

If you notice that, hip-hop and rap music bring to the termination of "old school" music. They taking over the chart of other music. Rock's dying. You better could end my life because it prong my life in the past. Seems like I'm living in the "stone age". Oh, whatever... who cares? But in earnest, music can influece the society. It is a magical entities can overtaking the people. When a artist initiate a ridiculous trend lady gaga, there are always fans back up.It makes the music nowadays trivialized.They are considered as entertainment but rather was united.The border lines between music and trend. Society is definitely accessed by the masses of trend but not music. What they do is what the celebritries doing, celebritries became their "exemplar". It's likum dead ringer. We should contemplate or take this into account very seriously.

Excuse for my obsolete taste and fashion, I'm still listen to Billy Joel and please call me Mr. Freak.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lad's Life-Graffiti

Last night, I saw a bunch of chap holding a backpack full of spraying paint,white out, pumits stick and whatnot. They, taggers work under the cloak of darkness, they started work from the break of dawn. They tried to exclaim their "artwork" to the public.They are sophisticated.Their personally tag signature and maybe there are cryptic message behind. Who knows? This piece of shit covering almost all over the world. This is seriously degrading the image of the area. But as you can see, no ones is going to figure out the way to quick fix. So, their dazzling grafitti remain shining on the street in the blindness of the society. Amount of graffiti increasing day by day in absence of regulation. How do we address the issue that lead to that people wandering the streets at night?The graffiti's connotation nowadys mostly are love message or perhaps the expression of the artistic but not those message exchange among gangster in 60' anymore. However, the graffiti on the wall in an established norm is the expression of rebellion, critic of the politics and sarcasm which is highly negative thing should be exist and not be acknowledged. E.g If you walk in the street full of graffiti, is that contribute much to your frighten and feeling like offensing? Could you actually staying on the street and says that, " Em, nice one, let me take a shot." Hey, I bet how you wish to walk away of the street and pray for god that's alternative way instead of this one. They bring to existence of the disharmony and procreate a unattractive visual on the street.

I could not deny that somewhat the graffiti are notable. It's art to an extent. But once they tag on other's property, it is subscribe to vandalism. Who will think that art is a vandalism? No ones. But they enjoy on wreking on other's premises. On the button, they water down the value of a real "Art". They're in the wrong track in expressing their feeling. We would take to heart. Because we know that someday it's toward die hard and in line of the trend in a legal way.Who knows?

The more of the story is someone of "us" must do something do to restrict the full extent of the graffiti as an vandalism. Due to "broken window" theory referred to the book "The Tipping Point" state that perhaps the broken window is leaving on the street, as a result of that, more and more window will be shattered into pieces.Insomuch as they think that no ones be on guard. They are chargeless to do anything and dont have to pay for the damage.
Dont Mess up with them.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rant on Louis Vuiton

When i walk in the crowded street, it is not occasional anymore u seeing a preteen carrying LV or even Gucci. Gosh, Look at their doozy monogram, it's their trademark.Louis Vuiton sounded so class and is. But lo and behold, their monogram actually looks like graffiti on the street. Bear in mind, i personally don't care about the branded product even so i did before. They probably not dominating the market but they are enough to swoon you.

'They are so unique, it improve my self-esteem when in the prom'. What? Unique? I swear almost all of them own a LV or maybe Gucci. Mind if you check your pulse(s), bag(s) are exactly the same with random chosen people on the street. I mean seriously mankind enjoy the moment of pride but it should not come from your outfit but your personality that only can last long. What they gave just a false identity.

Still, some of them just a blind follower. They are not born with a silver key but they willing to save up the money by less eating just for a extravagance product. How can you really keep up with the fashion trend? Even though you have bought your LV or Gucci, somehow people would just say " Hm, this is the faux one". What's the point?
Why dont you just get a nice look bag and if you want a name, put it your own i'll give you an idea. They are pretty and cheap, win-win.
For your knowledge, the material for making LV bags are bullet proof. It will be your superhero whenever you need succor or running from Bugs Morran that holding a AK47.

I would not buy unless you over my dead body. TeeHee. Just kidding

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Facebook being borned in the right place in the right time, good forseen of the current and future trend .Faccebook based on a theory,Concept's from six degree of seperation. Do you heard about that before? Now everyone in the world is actually linked by this concept, six degree of seperation also referred to human web. You can accquaint someone in north pole from south pole though in six step or less. This theory has been implemented in the swoonFacebook and has a result of average 5.73 to link someone although from Boy George to Grigory Perelman.
This awesome website is targeted on the college student ,sarcasticly, designed by the college student, he know what we want.
Last month, my friend and I are out for a drink at OT. Not suprisingly,everyone brought their own laptop and sat down gently and you can guess what's next.

Let me list out what must do after turn on your LAPTOP..
1)Log In Facebook
2)Log In MSN
3) Check my blog

Then,the chap started poke other female user, classmates, friends and unkown(six degree of seperation). Maybe this is supposed to some kind of socialize nowadays. Aint they trying to grab some gal attration? Seriously, who cares as long as the gal wont care?
Nevermind,the smart one is in the white house. Sad to tell, Obama is on the facebook. Obama having his convival time in announcing some significant issue via facebook though. Why not others? Because it is hit and almost every living object involved in undefeated FACEBOOK but mull , yeah, it create unlimited relation between each other but i accent it is less quality. We need quality but not quantity.

My schoolmate of mine ask me why dont you "PLAY" facebook, many of the same age are on there. I stunned and disdain without thinking further. Now you can see what's my first impression on facebook. She still convince me to join the millions time destructive than the nuclear warhead,Facebook. I held firm, i dont want to get addicted by the game full of tedios,mind-numbing,dreary oh god, on the other hand, it has spree power to wanting us NEVER get jaded by the game. Farm Ville, Mafia Wars, Restaurant and what not. They trapped you down and cause a sudden death. That's the hocus pocus, the hidden power, silent but violent.

USA, stout contry, consuming largest portion of the scarce resourses, as usual, the Americans have constitute the enormous usage of the facebook of 55,329,460 user. Not to mention, one of mine friend had almost qualified as world record breaker, she had added 2000 buddy randomly, i mean what's the point doing all this, literaly, a man only can handle 150 fully interactive friends. So, how about the others? She said, "just put aside lah, add for fun only mah", it promptly remind me, this is facebook. In fact, she often post love theory on her header and she always rant and raves on the facebook about her boyfriend. You see how the people spending whole life to poke others through facebook and also keep up with others status update.
Expert claims that we spend 5year in toilet and with the exist of the facebook, we spend 7year blankly. They willing hibernate for facebook like a bug does.

"What so attracive making you access facebook several times in a day and view the same person billion times in the same day. It was a cock and bull story right?


In the end of the day, we're just a regarless desperado like him.

When people said 2012..

Merlin's Beard, what you gonna do with the 'movie' 2012 again?
Take a step back and think twice, is that really just a movie?
I assume it wouldn't happen exactly in the year 2012 but what for the next 10 decades?
Although we have foretold by the "movie" our world gonna end soon but what we are doing is trying to terminate the life candle of the earth without knowing and I'm so sorry to tell you what if it is happening now.Although i don't have this kind of wisdom.This kind of prohecy will never end also, assume that 2012 is a crying wolf, what about the other 2~3 year another "scientific speculation" about the DOOM DAY?
Don't you felt that the earthquake, tsunami, volcanic ash in Germany happen so frequently. 2009-to-2012 should be awarded "catastrophe years", Cheer.
Few days ago, I review my pirate cd"2012" again, this time i concerned at the John Cusack running map,he ran here and there, what the hell he isdoing? You will probally answer me, run for your own life. Sad to say, mankind deserve it what we have done ."Go's around, come's around."Cucask , in the movie,despite you are being emphasized, you are just a refugee.Alright,now, know yourself how fast can you run for the earthquake and tell me the time and if you break the record by Boltz i will personally award you Guinness WC.
Besides that, someone said the is the rip off bible but the fact is this is the prohecy by mayan chronically older than the bible.However,It is not much about where it origin from, it is about the fact being there and lo, no ones is precluded from the saying. The reason being that we are living in the environment of full of safety causing us lose the borned ability of mankind of sensing the danger. We would not respond to the danger unless the falling of sky. We deserve it, I'm serious.
In the finale, the are saved by the technological advancement product(Noah Ark).
What is the movie telling us? I will flick you earlobe if you don't get it.
It alarm us the coming of doom day but before PLEASE treat our earth as your homeboy,that's the only request to survive.
Sometimes just do a little bit subtle changes may make a big difference. Buy yourself a recycle bag-a environment friendly product and you can save the planet.

Love it or else dead people, my little desperado.