Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What if 'It' is true??

Happy New Year, I greeted, done, okay , I know it's late, ah never you mind words back to my hands. This is the last two year we can celebrate the new year safe and sound, precisely, 680 days, 9 hours, 16 minute, 44 seconds left to go. Nah, I don't counted it, just run down the magnificent world-wide-web. They'll do the maths. So, what up. Thanks to the movie ' 2012', they pull the scary shit altogether, there's the condition come up after watching the movie, few scientist geek standing in the waist border of the road, discussing the perplexity about the incoming of doomsday and finally there are hit by the wagon raining from the sky accidentally is the consequence. This is where the catastrophic come along, the rumours always have the power of scaring the people pants off. People would trust any form of lies when it make sense under scientific explanation, finally human race eliminated by the self-dreaming of chimera. Stephen Hawking knows the truth. In this case, we better let terminator come to the yesteryear, assassinate someone greatly influence the world, so that human race never existed. Cyborg can survive better.
Au Revoir, lovely Earth and Hello Black Hole.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Joyuex Noel

I have past 17 times Christmas Eve and Christmas Night, precisely, few years only. I could like knock knock on Santa Claus's door 17 times and make a wish for my craving of big time enough. And because of my kindness, I don't. I'm way too concern Santa's health step into load of plague cause of Malaysia's insane temperature. And now am realize I'm a goose of let going my fortuity. The reason I write this post it to insist what I deserve for goddamn 17 years.

Date : Fri, 23Dec 2010, 3:45
Subject: Forward Message: You've been hacked, Satan, I mean Santa
From : thisemailaddressisusedtohackintosantaclausemailaddress@gmail.com
To : Santaclaus@hohoho.com

Dear Santa,
It's now 21st century, I hope no more ink work.For you to know, my friend just hack into your website and searching for you email address and finally we found it. I, in all sincerity, in good faith, I hope you still living, after struggling for 17 century and perhaps you still living, this is your 1700th birthday. Merry Chirstmas.
You've been amiable since the 4th century, share your glee with the kids all over the world. Your trademark smile melted every ice-coated heart. Bring warmth to the poor. Everyone including the Satan agreed with you sincerely. Santa Claus was and is and will be the summation of gleeful and blissful until 2012. Bounteous of complementary words are required for him to leave you a present anonymously.

With all due respect, somehow, you breaking other's chimney is regarded as outlawed despite your attempt to run the charity. Frankly, I personally don't want a jailed Santa Claus that means Satan and I strongly believe neither of us want so. Here some words to the wise, knock knock on people's door before you leave them their present and it would be much much better. The kids will be mirthful if they see you and sit by your lap rather than you sneak into other's roof and pretend like nothing. Your just another douchbag, I don't doubt your ability though.

Also, you need to keep yourself amended like always and always, so if you notice, there are no more chimney on the road, you seriously have to think of other way to look for this, get yourself a tinker if possible, invent out some item could assist you. I think you wouldn't do this, I mean look at your costume. Freaking old school. You have to admit yourself old fashion. No doubt. By the way, red is the grungy and godawful colour , bright and shinny, it doesn't even match you personality, Sneaky. Black is more desirable, however. Last but not least, you are insanely fat. Which is considered as obesity.Try on some ephedra, it could help.

Okay, here's my wish list, simple but magnificent and fantastic and glittering.

First of all, I want a reindeer. I mean my reindeer stand for those things flying without wings on the sky , gene-altered to resist freezing temperature. You'll know, you breeding them right? Just give me one of those. And if possible, with some condition, a maternal reindeer. Thanks in advance and hohoho, merry chirstmas.

Please read this email. Satan . Reply me a.s.a.p

A Man who Don't Believe In Santa

I have emailed to him by the way and waiting for his reply.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Robert Pattinson's Effect

Edward: Thy lufu to me is like falling rain to river, wide coverage, however, every single little is so precious and related. Min lufu to you would never shadow, times flow though. You should know I love you.

Bella: Oh, Ed, how sweet. Turn me.

Edward: Nic now, there are rules to obey in our world. It's wrong. I love you though.

Bella : I'm passing my prime. Just turn me and eternal love will be with us.Turn me

Edward: Trust me bella. it can be explained, um.. I have forgotten, ask Bieber. I love you Bella

Bella :I'm dying, I'm dying. Turn me. Turn me.

Edward: Ciao Ciao. Love you Bella.

Edward: Thy love to me is like falling star, far but beautiful and now you are falling next to me and I'm gonna not letting go this chance and grab you hard. You are so true to me. Love you Emma

Emma : Oh, dearest. Turn me for the eternal love.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bottom dollar of Baby

It's myth spread in every country that cost of raising up a child is almost cost as a low end Bentley, unless you want to be charged under child abuse of not feeding them. Raising up a kid almost like a investment in emerging market, it's either high return or end up with bankrupt.In such manner, most of the people choose to become the type of Baby-is-money. I mean try to google on Angelina Jolie or Tom Cruise. They are those people who could squander all their money earned to guzzy up their lovely baby. Almost as the wages paid to Tom cruise of whole series of Mission Impossible, it's huge. I admit they are gracious, loving and bleeding heart and most assuredly, perhaps they are Australian, they could simply earn $800 fast cash handout which is the amount they dont even care. In virtue of those charitable person, chillad of baby inspired product had been created to secure their children because most of the nanny or caretaker just couldnt pay concentration every inch. This utterly inspired the creator.

O'pair baby leash
This is exactly for those who are always absent minded and napping to clinch their little angel. But somehow the string binded on each other would broken. I dont know. You judge it. And somehow it causes accident of de trop, pulling the baby down the stairs if the baby unwilling to walk with you.

#2 Daddle
Heck, the daddler is the creation of Einstein. I believe everyone love to playing fool with their parents especially this um, adult-feel-not-so-fun-daddler would be a nightmare for the parents and fantasy for the little one. This is torture, papi.

#3 Her first heel

Girls love pretty not to mention the baby as long as she's female. Her first heel would be extremely lavish and appropriate for the baby girl to looks prettier and taller. And so when she's getting growing up, she can handle it so well. Also, if the baby boy would like a pair of them, no problem. Make a wish.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Martial Arts

This is count as a article of tribute to Bruce Lee after consideration is all. I dare to say he is the most well-built visible living thing you could ever see with your bare eyes but save for those who are living under rock near 100 years. He is the only one able to disfigure other's body tissue severely without any freaking weapon including his remarkable nun chuck. Please don't ever compare nun chuck to a nokia phone because in fact it could deal as much as a chainsaw damage. At the moment you open your eyes, everyone is bed down on the floor. Nunchuck is tailor made for those who like self-sabotage emo teenager So, pick up your nun chuck and act like a hero.

No ifs or buts about it, Jeet Kune Do created by Bruce Lee when his in meditation in his yellow jumpsuit. His kicking other's ass in unbelievable speed like a rocket launching to the space almost as the speed of light. I kid you not. The capture speed of the camera is holding the white flag all the time when it faces Bruce Lee. Jeet Kune Do press on how to hopping around, making some sound effect so it can save some cost on movie budgeting. Now don't believe in Merlin, trust Bruce Lee.

When holding forth to Bruce Lee, his enemy Chuck Norris couldn't be escaped from it. Despite the western always owning some born benefit of big bone, bigger shoulder, more muscular without the contribution of gym, Bruce Lee still kicking his chest though, his chest hair does not really help him to resist the constrait of Bruce's high kick or what-so-ever side kick. Shouldn't he just quit his job and started grow some edible plants to feed his family. Otherwise, he will get his family massacred.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A really Awesome Video


As the title said, you can find real awesomeness of sheepheaded Ryan Higa's actions. It worth to watching it to end.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


At first glance of this topic, it's obviously to know from the topic about American culture dominating the world because of the globalization. We get to know everything by dint of the globalization. Alicia Keys, Jay-Z, Obama, William Hung, always-on-drug Amy Winehouse and Persian Cat .Bow down to globalization, otherwise, we don't know Justin Bieber that is so excellent in singing. Over and above, I can consume my deluxe McChicken with the smoked chicken and tender chicken inside. Now Look, if you ever said, "Have you watched Rick Blackmore dancing last night?" " Yeah, it was totally drive me insane!" That means you are already being Americanized, simple as that. It's doesn't need to be exactly words like that though. I mean now if we continuously watching CSI or Prison Break, as a consequence, there will be no more blue skies overhead. Our cultural may disappear like a fat women falling from one-hundred-and-first floor headfirst.

There must be something that is really good that we not even giving em' a chance to pretend they are good. Give Orang Cicak once over, it's a succeeded example of parody of all hero movie.However, there are something really astonishing me, they are passel of animal species on the earth, why cicak? You know cicak wasn't that good to be a hero, somehow humiliating. I believe that's the reason why Cicak was chosen. Blame Kirk Alyn or Tobey Maguire that they have done a good job that hack a deep impression on how we look over hero.

The whole shebang is like a double edged sword, good and bad appears at the same moment, people would feel over positive stereotypes over the the American culture, their way of thinking, way of eating to the extent of obesity and way of playing are awesome. They throwing down gauntlet and do anything, good or bad is another thing. Once they succeeded, their news would storm over the world for instance, Empire State of Building, in constrast, when they failed, they failed big like Great Depression. Their freedom is maximised as we can see in their policy's freedom of speech and market economy. Everything is free to float naturally without any intervention. Still, someone protest about it.

American culture is revealed too widely and concerned by the others, people do care whatever happening in this country, causes it's flaw can be singled out so easily. Every country out there have their own brand of corruption, I mean they shared the common but why do people only focused only on the State? And Dude, I just watched Spiderman 3(yawn.......)