Saturday, July 31, 2010

After MTV live stage

Awesome Awesome and Awesome.
I felt the spirit of alternative rock lead by bunkface and tokio hotel.
Papi, I shouted everywhere, jumping like a Robinson.N.
I can felt the living of the music inside of every heart.
alternative rock by bunkface and pop rock by tokio hotel.
Heck Bill Kaulitz, his voices makes you ashamed of yourself.
I know I've been dumb saying all this.
It's because I'm tired of acting like a monkey.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Short post

It's been week that I'm away from keyboard. There's nothing to rant about. The world is unexpected in order. A sisiy has a sisiy talk. Girls still girls, always analogized to earthquake. Mountain Everest still the member of carbon-copy, had a dream of becoming a volcanic mountain. The picture of chimera never been igonored in the mind of carbon dioxide try to burn this earth into dust. This is the world where I'm living. A freaking undead diary for the future just in case for me to see how ignorance is this John Doe to talking crap.

Typing all this just to stress out the upcoming presentation, assignment or you know what, the topic test. They are after each one. I kid you not. Blogging currently allow me to unload some dung. I know it was stink. But this is the best way to describe it. Oh yeah, don't believe in drug that can make you stress out, it's totally crap. And if you trust me, that's a way you can stress out. Hold on, the way dosn't work out because of some technical problem, therefore the system is shutting down. It's my nom de plume there " A short post" , therefore this is not gonna be a long post. Anyhow, I'm trying to back to the love of the assignment presentation and whatnot.

To be continued,

" 10 ways to stress out in a day of abaddon" is coming soon.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Do you serve him? Who? Nuffnang

This creative or money-making tools, conquer every heart of the blogger with 50 and above dollars each month. Not anymore like earning jewish money. What they solicit is you put a blue emblem there and waiting for some clicks. Of that I'm sure you need some fascinating topic to blog about, for everyJustify Fullone feel free to bring up the rear of your blog. Yet, a widely spread ed social networks is another factor signal the green light for you to blow off the bank vault with a enforced frame of the nuffnang. You can get any of you want.

Right now, in fact, they serve nuffnang for nothing. With this huge amounts of bloggers, how many of them are outstanding and can attract large number of viewers. For the sake of promoting blogging, they are bullshit. I could be gracious calling you a nuffnang bloggers. But what's the point? I mean no one would know the mechanism they have been using. Suppose they earn 5 figures per advertisement, and everyone share a piece of pie from it. There come to my wringer , why are they doing all the way for this? A charity to share with everyone? A philantropy for the Haiti? Come on.
Yet, they are someone make the passion of blogging as their living tools. They have lot of masterpiece of articles. I kid you not. They can earn up to 4 figures without a hitch.
Oh my dandy, that's probably undergraduate fellow nowadays can't earn it. A blogger? It used to be a joke. A place for all of us to enunciate daily feeling. For your friends to care about you. Prior to girls and boys relationship. It sounds ironic I know.

Afterall, I guess if you want some piece of frozen treat from them, you need some good traffic by inviting some unique readers. Don't let your blog zonk out. You would hack like it if you're in the very first time to earn silver coinage. It will be your safest track to trap a note with 50 written above rather than you begging on the road, give a black eye. After the Nipon. If you know that geisha are trained to become a blogger killer.

A respect to Ryan. TeeHee

Monday, July 12, 2010

Iphone 4

Steve Jobs again with it's impressive presentation skill persauaded the people how thinnest is the iphone prototype. Not anytime but right after the ipad. They again keep over the entertainemnt tools industry under thumb by storm. Ipod, Ipad and now Iphone. The personal and extravagance things. The originator of the iproducts are eggheaded. When peoples mention about their ipod, they will tell about the "I" first. It meaning the iproducts belong to one. It's only you if you own it. To enchant the effect, they have a sync software called iTunes. Therefore, you only can sign into your personal mainframe belongs to the iproducts. If lamentably, the pc has crashed, pleased to say, you files has gone if you don't have any backup files. And it's time you to say godamnit. Now,seriously, I wish I could dig a hole with a shovel to put them in.
And for now, what about the Iphone 4 now? Why everyone has a iphone 3g and wants a iphone 4 just like what my friend did. Before the phone step on the ground of Malaysia, they actually subscribe it and not to mention some for them subscribe without knowing that the sim card of the phone is micro sim card which is omitted in Malaysia. Anyhow this is not the problems for the smart Malaysians. They gonna figure out some way to knock over. Therefore, they come to a conclusion that cut the edge of the sim card to make it feasible to the iphone 4.

Do you know that how ridiculous is the price of iphone 4? It's freaking 4000 plus, almost as part of the updown court. There is a question? Is the iphone 4 really worth it?
With some antenna problems, you could not hold it like what we used to but hold it in a different manner. A left-handed or what we called sciencetist are advocated to have a iphone 4. It is designed for left-handed person on the other hand it's a private joke for them. Please feel free to ante up if you are left handed person.

In the end of the day, you will watch a schtick of everyone walking on the street with the great apple. An apple a day, keep the boring away. I"m saying that with counterfeit smile try to convince everyone to buy a iphone 4.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Viva Espana

Paul's prophecy freaking right as rain again.

A very congratulation to our Paul. It won again, defeated Mani the bird and became the world champion.

Lastly, to our Spain.