Sunday, September 26, 2010

Recession? Better save your money

Hey, what up? This is gonna be a real quick one to learn bout' saving money. A compelling way to save your words up to million dollars and there is no border to it. So with that Monet, you could invest on other thing a Hala Ranch. or Buggatti Veyron, it's up to you. But you gonna be serene and patient in all these way-to-better-saving method because it's gonna be a long suffering. But once you reach it, theoretically you beat Carlos Helu and Bill Gate. However their way to save money is out of your imagination box, billions and billions of bread throwing to blue chip investment, can you do it? Exactly, you gonna follow my way.

Separate the two ply. As I told before you gonna need some patient in doing this. Dont you say this is age old joke anymore.Dont take this for grandted. Not anymore the spartan folks doing this, anyplace you could find on the earth. You will be far left behind if your not doing this and dragging other's feet, goddamnit. From an sincere soucre stated that if an average household use 100 sheets per day, it's gonna save up to 10 dollars per year. Heck you dont undervalue of 10 dollars, it can used to feed a household watching furious prehistoric Piranha in 3D with some bloody popcorn and citric taste Pepsi. Despite that, you wont have time to watch Piranha because you need to separate the sly piece by piece and gum it back because there are cohesive subtance at first place. However, there are always someone love ot level our effort into ground, Howard Hughes for god's sake. This fake guy put the toilet all over his genitals, what gross?

The other alternative way to save your money is to apply the prinicipal of 3R. Reuse, Recycle and whatever-it-is. Listen carefully, child is prohibited from doing this at home, try to do it at somewhere else. It comprises lot of stunt even Eviel Knievel failed to do it.
Reuse your old calander. yeah, you hear me, REUSE YOUR OOOOLLLLLDDDDD CALENDER. I guess this capture your attention. You probably would ask me, 'You godamn ninny, the date from each year not the same.' No, there are the same somehow 1955 and 2050 match the same date, both the first of January fall on Sat. What you gonna, do some bewildering calculation, hire some expert mathmaticians who know Hodge Conjecture to make your life easier.

With this, your life got real meaning.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Howdy, Gaga?

It's been sometimes I feel gaga was grounded. I couldn't see her hanging around the news. Perhaps the mass media feel bored doing the repitition. Is she hermaphrodite? Perhaps they had steped out and said, "Enough, gaga." No matter what, bunch of fans are still bedding her in a way of dyed in a wool. Because of her, finally I know there is someone isn't aroused of being called a freak. In the eyes of the viewer, she's perculiar instead of freak. She just wearing a costume made of cruor, seeing things isn't much important to her by the way. Labrador should guide her all the time even when the handover of the Grammy award, she's blinded. I'm prying if she knows she looks awful and the most important of all, does her fan even recognize she's gaga or the serial killer of America, Albert Fish. Who knows?

At present, I slightly catch the fashion sense of gaga. Unlike Nina Hagen, she always top some weird junk on her coconut. A slaughterous piranha? Oh, what people try to avoid. If you don't believe, that's evidence below.Not counting, I give green on the quote next to this. Replaceable, disposable, recyclable. You know what I mean. You judge it.Dosn't they look alike?

She's protested. She can sing? Then why is she auto-tuned? Auto-tuned is needed only for those who is unable to sing. Lil Wayne, for instance.LOL. She can sing and this answer for the above. Her talent on piano skills is irrefutable? No way, her 'talented' piano skills devour only 2 years to complete the mission of 'talented'. Everyone could be gaga if you wanted to be but only if you are ready to be slaughter by piranha. 'Bad Romance'. I believe this song get stuck in your head, whenever or wherever the song played in a shopping mall, John, streets or inside of the forest, you are ready to hymn with her. Rah rah, ah ah ah, gah gah oh lala. Sick. It's just catchy as Banana Phone.

Still, I'm waiting for a day that everyone is fitting themself of rocket launching bras and hit the road. Deperado