Monday, August 30, 2010

Now You're in New York

What's up New York? Hush, it's between us, I do feel New York's great. Concrete jungle where people desire. It's aint one place similiar to this. New Zealand? You must be kidding me.Seriously, it's living a magnet, of it's snare attract everyone pass by him. Killing your camera without your conscious because it is happening all the time. Brim over your irksome day. Indeed, as the world of core of consumption, new yorker gotta busy in their metrapolitan world. Maybe you will find some boredom here. But because of this, you will find a piece of it is like no other. They are step on gas the whole time and perhaps you are sitting there, you definitely will be filmed down. You are so perculiar that how do you have time to sit.
That's a place I wanted to visit all the time, the Empire State of Building. Hey man, hundred thousands of movie or whatever it is being featured here. Tell me if your negative. And that's a myth I want to eyeball if Ican see empire state of building from afar Manhattan. It's said that it's like the vertical one in the carpet of horizontal and you can imagine how it is. Last but not least, the Statue of Liberty. I always give attention on the statue of liberty when I was young, and I'm so eager to feel the existence of it but the only dire strait of it is where we can't access the interior of it. One day. I would.
For the lover of steak, you're in hot water. New York known for his superb steak where rated gold standard. Of course, big greenback or long green means better. You don't want to be sucked. Oh, indeed it's my viewpoint. With great aplomb from unknown source, people ready to spend in NYC. A typical steak house is always put on a finish, wood-detailed dining room giving a feeling of next door. Plus, professional musicians lineup moderate your body through your dining experience. Kind of feeling you could imagine. It would be a good perches when people rushing.

Hasta La Vista, New York.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Closing till end of this month....

Friday, August 13, 2010

The month of riot

Here comes the mid of august, and the beginning of august almost banished by me . It doesn't mean anything to me of the initial of the month. Research project, assignment , test, research project, assignment and test. I'm feeling like nothing is real like what mirage did in most of the dessert. Giving the counterfeiting hope to the people. I mean this can't be real, hell days of rountine. You think you done this and gonna have a deep breath but you end with inhale nothing. Yet, you still need to enduring the bleed. Why? It's the "growing" process neither you or me can beat it.

holla august, Im standing on the cliff of grand canyon listening to the echo. August's great. Another step to the place of abbadon.You can't even imagine the life in Gehenna, the place for us to condemn. Did we done something wrong? No wonder. Or perhaps past life regression would unveil the truth. Who knows?
And that's about enough after ranting so much.

Well, if you notice, i had changed my profile picture for no other reason but I agree every human being on the earth has the same right to raise their volume about what they want. People has the same equality. Despite the media nowadays is full of violent and perhaps inappropriate to the young. Yet, if we look at it prudently, that's a fact about free speech is always the choice beyond compare. Indeed, they would be schooled of the reality of this world in nothing flat. No doubt it would be great platform to learn instead of spoon feed them, conduct them like an infant.No way. If not eventually, they could suffer in the force of evil. They may end up counting hana, man, mona, mike for the rest of the life. Censorship of media would only clog the growth of them and in ultimately they may have zilch alertness to the outside world. Physically prepared, but mentally stunned.

And before end of the august, I would like to say I do paint the town because of the double moon put a perfect screeching halt to it. Ciao August.